Thursday, May 21, 2009

دانشجويان دانشگاه زنجان: فرياد هر ايرانى، آزادى آزادى

دانشجويان دانشگاه زنجان: فرياد هر ايرانى، آزادى آزادى

دانشجويان دانشگاه زنجان روز گذشته با شعار مرگ بر ديكتاتور، مرگ بر فاشيست و مرگ بر تروريست، فرياد هر ايرانى آزادى آزادى جلسه سخنرانى موسوى نخستوزير پيشين آخوندها را به هم زدند.

دانشجويان بپاخاسته، اين مهره جنايتپيشه را در رابطه با قتل عام زندانيان سياسى و مبارز در سال1367 مورد مؤاخذه قرار داده و فرياد مىزدند، سال 67كجا بودى و چند نفر را اعدام كردى.

دانشجويان همچنين پلاكاردهايى در مورد قتل عام سى هزار زندانى مبارز در سال 67 را حمل مىكردند.

روى پلاكاردها نوشته شده بود، ”خاوران هنوز سرخ است“ و موسوى به جرم قتل عامهاى سال 67 در دادگاه ملت محاكمه خواهى شد
هنگام خروج نخستوزير پيشين آخوها از جلسه، دانشجويان مقابل در به وى تهاجم كردند

Iran: Students disrupt Moussavi's speech with chants of "death to dictator"
Thursday, 21 May 2009

Zanajan - Students grill Moussavi about the 1988 massacre of political prisoners

Students at the University of Zanjan (northwest Iran) on Monday disrupted a speech by Mirhossein Moussavi, former mullahs' prime minister, and demanded explanations about his role during the 1988 massacre of political prisoners.

Moussavi who acted as the mullahs’ prime minister during that period, has announced his candidacy for the mullahs’ upcoming sham presidential elections.

"Where were you in 1988, and how many people did you kill?" some students asked Moussavi. One placard read "Khavaran's soil is still red," referring to the Khavaran cemetery, where thousands of political prisoners have been buried. The clerical regime is planning to destroy the cemetery in a bid to rid itself of the most important evidence about the 1988 massacre.

Students warned Moussavi that he will be judged by the people and history for his crimes in the 1988 massacre.

In the course of the 1988 massacre more than 30,000 political prisoners, many of whom had already finished their sentences, were sent to the gallows!!

They were executed group after group in accordance with the religious decree (fatwa) issued by Ruhollah Khomeini, the mullah regime’s founder.

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