Monday, July 27, 2009

ضرب و شتم وحشیانه بهروز جاوید تهرانی در زندان

پیام حضور افراد کمسیون امنیت در زندان گوهردشت شکنجه های وحشیانه زندانیان سیاسی بود

بنابه گزارشات رسیده از بند 1 زندان گوهردشت کرج،زندانی سیاسی بهروز جاوید طهرانی صبح امروز ساعاتی قبل ازبازدید افراد کمسیون امنیت با ضرب وشتم وحشیانه که منجر به خونریزی شدید قسمتی از بدن او شده بود همراه بود . و او را برای ساعاتی به سلولهای انفرادی بند 5 منتقل کردند.
صبح امروز دوشنبه 5 مرداد ماه زندانیان بطور غیر مسقیم از حضور جمعی از اعضای کمیسیون امنیت مطلع شدند .افراد این کمیسیون که به بند 1 زندان گوهردشت برای بازدید مراجعه کرده بودند. قبل از آمدن به این بند علی حاج کاظم رئیس زندان و خادم مسئول این شکنجه گاه قصد انتقال زندانی سیاسی بهروز جاوید طهرانی به سلولهای انفرادی بند 5 را داشتند. هنگامی که آقای بهروز جاوید طهرانی علت انتقال را جویا شد. علی حاج کاظم و خادم همراه با پاسداربندها با باتون برقی به سوی او حمله ور شدند و او را برای چندمین بار آماج باتونها خود قرار دادند .شاهدان این ضرب وشتم می گویند که بدن آقای جاوید طهرانی در حالی که خون آلود بود به سلولهای انفرادی بند 5 منتقل کردند . آنها او را تا بعد از بازدید این افراد در آنجا نگه داشتند و سپس مجددا به بند 1 منتقل کردند.
همچنین روز شنبه 3 مرداد ماه بر اثر فشارهای بین المللی ناچار به دادن ملاقات کابینی کوتاهی به خانوادۀ آقای جاوید طهرانی شدند. خانواده زندانی سیاسی بهروز جاوید طهرانی هنگامی که بهروز را از پشت کابین ملاقات دیدند بهت زده شدند از شکنجه هایی سبعانه که علیه او بکار برده شده بود. دستها و پاهای او در اثر شکنجه های وحشیانه سیاه شده بود ،کتف سمت راستش در رفته بود، کلیه های او در اثر شکنجه های طاقت فرسا بشدت آسیب دیده است و خون ادرا می کند، زانوهای او در اثر ضربات باتون متورم و به سختی قادر به راه رفتن است.و به لحاظ جسمی بشدت ضعیف شده بود.
خادم رئیس شکنجه گاه بند 1 آقای جاوید طهرانی را به دفتر خود فرا می خواند و در یک طرح رذیلانه با نصب دوربین مخفی بدون اینکه آقای جاوید طهرانی متوجه شود از او می پرسد: آیا من ترا شکنجه کردها م ؟ و سئوالهای دیگر و از این طریق سعی در گرفتن اعترافات تلویزیونی می کند. به اعتقاد آقای جاوید طهرانی بازجویان وزارت اطلاعات و خادم در حال اجرای طرح حذف فیزیکی اش هستند.در حال حاضر سوژه اصلی برای حذف فیزیکی وی می باشد.
زندانی سیاسی بهروز جاوید طهرانی بخاطر شکنجه های جسمی وروحی که در بند 1 معروف بند آخر خطی ها علیه وی روا داشته شده بودو او را به سوی مرگ تدریجی سوق می داد. از روز سه شنبه 23 تیرماه اقدام به اعتصاب غذا نمود و او همچنان در اعتصاب غذا بسر می برد.
کسانی که در شکنجه و اذیت و آزار او نقش دارند و او را به سوی مرگ تدریجی سوق میدهند عبارتند از علی حاج کاظم رئیس زندان که بدستور وی به این شکنجه گاه منتقل شده است،علی محمدی معاون زندان ، کرمانی و نبی الله فرج نژاد رئیس و معاون حفاظت و اطلاعات زندان،خادم رئیس بند 1 زندان همراه با تعدادی از پاسداربندها صورت می گیرد. علی محمدی معاون اجرائی زندان گوهردشت کرج خطاب به آقای بهروز جاوید طهرانی گفته است: که در این شرایط از شر تو هم راحت خواهیم شد.
بازجویان وزارت اطلاعات بخصوص سعید شیخان و نفرات فوق الذکر قصد حذف فیزیکی این زندانی سیاسی را دارند و این موضوع را هم کتمان نکرده اند و بارها به بهروز گفته اند. پس از قتل زنده یادان امیر حسین ساران، ولی الله فیض مهدوی، عبدالرضا رجبی؛ بهروز جاوید طهرانی سوژه بعدی آنها است جان او در معر ض خطر جدی است.
افراد کمیسیون امنیت همچنین برای بازدید به بند 6 زندان گوهردشت رفته بودند. آنها از سالن 17 که در طبقۀ اول می باشد وارد شدند. در آن زمان که حوالی ساعت 09:30 تمامی زندانیان بی دفاع را به محوطه ای بردند که در زیر آفتاب شدید و گرمای زیاد قرار داشتند تعدادی از آنها دچار گرما زدگی شده بودند و به نظر می آید حضور، افراد چنین کمسیونهایی که با تبلیغات گسترده همراه بود بر درد و رنج و فشار زندانیان می افزایند و هنگام حضور آنها زندانیان تحت شکنجه های وحشیانه قرار می گیرند و یا در زیر گرمای شدید و آفتاب سوزناک قرار می گیرند. گویا این افرادی برای دیدن دیوارها به آنجا مراجعه کرده اند تا زندانیان.

آنها از بند 4 که محل تجمع زندانیان سیاسی است بازدید نکردند . بندی که در حال حاضر 7 برابر ضرفیتش زندانی در آن جای داده اند و بعضی از گزارشها حاکی از آن است که زندانیان عادی کهریزک را از مدتها پیش تخلیه و به این زندان منتقل کردند.
همچنین یکی از زندانیان عادی که در بند1 بسر می برد و بنام آقای آموزگار می باشد.سن او بیش از 70 سال می باشد نسبت به شرایط غیرانسانی حاکم بر آنجا اعتراض می نماید که مورد غضب خادم قرار می گیرد. خادم به زندانیان شرور و خطرناک دستور می دهد که اورا مورد ضرب وشتم قرار دهند.جان این زندانی سالخورده و بی دفاع در معرض خطر جدی قرار دارد.
فعالین حقوق بشر و دمکراسی در ایران،نسبت به خطر جدی که جان زندانی سیاسی بهروز جاوید طهرانی را مورد تهدید میدهد هشدار میدهد.و از کمسیون حقوق بشر و سازمانهای حقوق بشری خواستار اقدامات فوری برای نجات جان این زندانی سیاسی است.
فعالین حقوق بشر ودمکراسی در ایران
5 مرداد 1388 برابر با 27 ژولای 2009

گزارش فوق به سازمانهای زیر ارسال گردید:
دفتر دبیرکل سازمان ملل
کمیساریای عالی حقوق بشر
کمسیون حقوق بشر اتحادیه اروپا
سازمان عفو بین الملل
سازمان دیدبان حقوق بشر

Regimes Guards Insults People, July 26 Tehran, Vali-asr

گزارشي از درگيريهاي روز يك شنبه چهارم مرداد(جرقه اوليه تظاهرات درمراسم ختم محسن روح الاميني درخيابان جام جم زده شد )

ساعت 17 بيش از هزار و 500تن از مردم بپاخاسته تهران در خيابان ولي عصر با شعار مرگ بر ديكتاتور با انبوهي از نيروهاي سركوبگر درگير شده و به جنگ و گريز پرداختند .
اين تظاهرات كه جرقه اوليه آن در مراسم ختم محسن روح الاميني از شهداي قيام سراسري در مسجد بلال در خيابان جام جم زده شد، سريعاً به خيابانها و مناطق اطراف كشيده شد .
تظاهرات درحالي برگزار شد كه منطقه به طور كامل به اشغال نيروهاي امنيتي درآمده و يك حكومت نظامي اعلام نشده برقرار شده بود .
در خيابان ولي عصر نزديک مسجد بلال مأموران سركوبگر دهها گاز اشک آور به سوي مردم شليك كردند و به جمعيت يورش بردند . انبوهي از مزدوران سركوبگر در ميدان ونك با تجهيزات و خودروهاي نظامي مستقر شده بودند .
درساعت 17 و 30 دقيقه جمعيت زيادي از ميدان ونك به سوي راديو تلويزيون راهپيمايي خود را شروع كردند. تظاهركنندگان بدليل فضاي به شدت نظامي منطقه ابتدا به سمت پارك ملت سرازير شدند و با شعارهاي مرگ برديكتاتور و” مرگ بر تو” و بانگ الله اكبر با مزدوران سركوبگر درگير شدند.
در ساعت 18 و 30 دقيقه بيش از 1500 نفر از جوانان و مردم كه ميخواستند در مراسم ختم شهيد روح الاميني در مسجد بلال شركت كنند مورد تهاجم و يورش ماموران وحشي لباس شخصي و نيروي انتظامي قرار گرفتند. نيروهاي سركوبگر با پرتاب گاز اشك آور به سوي مردم معترض قصد پراكنده كردن آنان را داشتند اما جوانان حاضر به ترك منطقه نشدند و تصميم گرفتند هر طور شده در اين مراسم شركت كنند.
حكومت هم در وحشت از گسترش اين تظاهرات نيروهاي سپاه پاسداران را با تجهيزات كامل مستقر كرده و تمامي مناطق منتهي به راديو تلويزيون را قرق كرده بود .
درگيريهاي گسترده و پراكنده ميان مردم و به ويژه جواناني كه از مسجد بلال به سمت راديو تلويزيون حركت ميكردند ادامه يافت . تمركز مأموران گارد ويژه و لباس شخصي در مقابل دانشگاه خواجه نصير در ميدان ونك بود كه تلاش ميكردند جلو حركت مردم را بگيرند.
مردم در مقابل تهاجم مزدوران حكومتي به مقاومت پرداختند .

Sunday, July 26, 2009

سکوت سرشار از سخنان ناگفته است، از حرکات ناکرده

Amir Javadifar another Martyr

Another Iran protester dies in jail

An Iranian student arrested in protests against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election has died in jail, a newspaper said on Sunday, the second such death reported in recent days.

Amir Javadifar, "a student of industrial management in Qazvin (city) died in prison," the reformist Etemad newspaper said, adding that his family has been asked to come for the body Sunday morning.

Etemad said Javadifar had been arrested in July 9 protests and had injuries in his arm and nose but it did not elaborate on the cause of death.

Newspapers reported on Saturday that Mohsen Ruholamini, 25, who had also been arrested on July 9 when thousands of protesters took to the streets on the anniversary of a bloody student uprising in 1999, also died in custody.

Hundreds of thousands of Iranians poured into Tehran streets after the disputed June 12 re-election of Ahmadinejad to protest their "stolen votes" before a crackdown by security forces.

Iranian official reports say at least 20 people died and more than 1,000 were arrested in the protests. Dozens of reformist leaders, journalists and human rights activists have also been jailed in the wake of the disputed election.

Two Sunni Muslim political prisoners executed in Zahedan

Two political prisoners of Sunni Muslim minority in Zahedan, provincial capital of Sistan and Baluchistan in Southeast Iran, were hanged in prison on Saturday.

According to the regime’s judiciary in the province, “Those executed, Ayoub Rigi and Massoud Gomshadzehi, were accused of waging war against God and spreading corruption on earth … and therefore sentenced to death,” the state-run daily Qods, reported today.

The clerical regime also hanged 13 other political prisoners on July 14 for the same charges.

The regime is trying to spread fear by these executions in the province in order to prevent people’s uprising. The mullahs are extremely worried about the situation due to people’s hatred toward the regime as a result of repression, discrimination and widespread poverty.

Khamenei's representatives warn about crisis in the clerical regime

Representatives of the Iranian regime's Supreme Leader in various cities have acknowledged the crisis and divisions within the regime as well as the weakened position of its Supreme Leader and warned about the consequences, the state run Fars news agency said on Saturday. Some of the remarks were as follows:

One of the representatives, a Friday prayers leader in Semnan (northern Iran), Shahcheraghi, said: In the Islamic Republic, the formation of a front against the Supreme Leader is condemnable and doomed to fail.

He added: The country is now faced with a big test. We have to try to make sure that this test would not make us get off the train of revolution.

Sarfipour, another Friday prayers leader in Poledokhtar (western Iran) said: The purpose of all this noise was to overthrow the velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule) and religious system. Some individuals from these groups espoused secular government.

Sarfipour added: Unfortunately, some of those in the guise of clerics have also expressed ill wishes for the system, and are standing up against the Supreme Leader to defend their individual and political interests. In case the disturbances continue, the downfall of those who wish ill for the state will be certain.

Tabrasi, the regime’s Friday prayers leader in the city of Sari (northern Iran), said: Divisions and tensions are a shame for our nation. Those who support the revolution must ensure that the sphere of the Supreme Leader is protected because if such spheres are eliminated then nothing would remain.

The regime’s Friday prayers leader in Qom (north-central Iran), Saeedi, said: No one has the right to stand up in opposition to the Supreme Leader. Our enemies tried from the outset to destroy the reputation of the Supreme Leader in public opinion using all sorts of various methods.

Saeedi added: Those who hear the Supreme Leader's calls and do not bother to implement them have in effect rejected God's orders and have committed heresy.

He also said: These days some of the insolence [towards Khamenei] comes from those who used to express loyalty to the Supreme Leader. Their remarks generate doubts. When the Supreme Leader says that street marches must end, there is no longer any need for some to motivate people and invite them to the streets.

Khorrami, the regime’s Friday prayers leader in Ardestan (central Iran), said: Our state's legitimacy rests on the Supreme Leader, and today all of us must unite and coordinate our activities in line with the Supreme Leader.

"Statement by Assembly of Experts is part of a plot to remove Rafsanjani"

The al-Arabiya TV on Friday cited a member of the Iranian regime’s Assembly of Experts as revealing that a recent statement by the majority of the assembly is part of a plot by regime clerics like Mesbah Yazdi, Mohammad Yazdi and Ahmad Jannati to remove former mullahs’ president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, from the Iranian political arena. Rafsanjani is the Chairman of the assembly.

The al-Arabiya TV on Friday cited a member of the Iranian regime’s Assembly of Experts as revealing that a recent statement by the majority of the assembly is part of a plot by regime clerics like Mesbah Yazdi, Mohammad Yazdi and Ahmad Jannati to remove former mullahs’ president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, from the Iranian political arena. Rafsanjani is the Chairman of the assembly.

Al-Arabiya went on to say: Divisions among factions in Iran encompass all religious and political levels. The Supreme Leader's followers demand a purge in the regime’s main power centers. At the top of the list of these institutions is the Assembly of Experts, which is chaired by former president Hashemi Rafsanjani.

The TV channel added: We have been informed by a senior member of the Assembly of Experts in Iran that the statement attributed to a majority of the assembly, which has demanded Rafsanjani to alter his stance, is part of a plot by Mesbah Yazdi, Mohammad Yazdi, and the Guardian Council’s Chairman, Ahmad Jannati to completely remove Rafsanjani from Iran’s political equations. The source tells us that the Assembly of Experts’ statement asking Rafsanjani to adjust his position to that of the Supreme Leader was drafted by Mesbah Yazdi.

Friday, July 24, 2009


According to the recived news, NEDA Agha-Soltans Family was ghatered at her Grave yesterday, july 23!!

بنا بر خبر دريافتي روز پنجشنبه اول مرداد از ساعت 20 خانواده ندا بر سر مزارش حاضر شدند و مراسمي برگزار کردند. از ساعت 1700 تا 2030 نيزمردم بر سر مزار دو شهيد ندا و سهراب آمدند و فاتحه خواندند

Thursday, July 23, 2009


June 20, Tehran! Black Saturday!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Iran, July 22

Apadana, Tehran! Outside Sohrab Arabis House! Tonight 22 july

Mashhad City 22 July

The Angel of Iran!

Nedā is the Persian word for "voice", "calling" or "divine message".

Paula B. Slater:

Neda has become known as The Angel of Iran, The Angel of Freedom. I was so saddened by the senseless murder of this lovely young woman that I wanted to turn the pain I felt into art. So I sculpted this life size bust of Neda and when it is cast in bronze I hope it can help to memorialize this Angel of Iran. The Iranian government banned Neda's family from even having a memorial for her. However, you will not be forgotten Neda. It is my prayer that countries around the world will hold memorial services for this Angel of Freedom.

Neda Agha-Soltan was a young Iranian woman who was shot in the heart by a government sniper while on her way to an Iranian election protest.

"She was a person full of joy," said her music teacher Hamid Panahi. "She was a beam of light."

Neda was a philosophy student, an accomplished singer and was passionate about music and travel. She was also studying to be a tour guide and had traveled to Dubai, Turkey and Thailand.

Neda was engaged to be married.

Nedā is the Persian word for "voice", "calling" or "divine message".


NEDA voice of iran


In memory of our Martyr NEDA.
That become the voice of IRAN

Sleep my Dear sister, my Neda
This is your voice now, my sound
Sleep, the pure daughter of Iran
Sleep, the one who are allways awake in our heros fight
So bravelig you set fire on the night
You was reborn once again from your own Blood

NEDA your become the SCREAM of a Nation

You become the LIGHT in the darkness and sadness
You give us a CALL with your look

I promise with your inecent look
With the Flood of your blood, we will make a thsunami
We will ride as LIGHTNING in the DARK NIGHT!

Italian support to the iranian people!!

A Big thaks to supporter of a Free Iran, in Italy!!

solidarietà del comune di Firenze e dei suoi cittadini col popolo iraniano

Saturday, July 25 Day of International Solidarity with Iranian People

Saturday, July 25
Day of International Solidarity with Iranian People

The Iranian Poeple calls on all Freedom lovers around the GLOBE, to take part in a demonstration on Saturday, July 25, the day of international solidarity with Iranian people.

The demonstrations are organized by Amnesty International in 50 countries across the world.

The time and venue for the demonstrations will be announced in due course.

More Information:

Please share the iranian people "VOICE" TO the entire WORLD!


Secret burial of martyrs of uprising by clerical regime

Martyr Mohammad Kamrani

Martyr Masoud Hashemi

Secret burial of martyrs of uprising by clerical regime

Mohammad Kamrani, Saeed Abasi and Massoud Hashem Zadeh are among victims

Mohammad Kamrani, 18, was buried in Behesht-e Zahra cemetery on Saturday, July 18, according to the same source. He was arrested on July 9 near Tehran’s Vali Asr Square and taken immediately to Kahrizak prison, east of the capital. He was later transferred to the notorious Evin prison. He had to be taken to Loqman al-Dowleh hospital on July 16 as a result of severe torture. Mohammad, with clear signs of severe torture and beating with baton on his body, was tied to hospital bed to prevent him from running away. Under his family’s pressures he eventually was transferred to Mehr Hospital but treatment there failed to save his life due to severe infection and he died in less than three hours.

Saeed Abbasi, another victim of the brutal crackdown, was shot dead on June 20 by a member of paramilitary Bassij force. He was shot in the head from behind as he was closing the shop under the threat of the Bassij force. He died immediately in the arms of his shocked father.

Massoud Hashem Zadeh, 27, was shot dead on spot in Shademan Street on June 20. He was shot in the heart.

The regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security and other suppressive organs have been threatening the families of martyrs not to hold funerals for their loved ones or disclose the regime's abhorrent crimes.

تجمع اعتراض آمیز دانشجویان کوی نسبت به بسته نگه داشتن دربهای فرعی کوی

شب گذشته (سه شنبه شب30تیر ) تعدادی از دانشجویان ساکن کوی دانشگاه با برپایی تجمعی اعتراض آمیز نسبت به سخت گیری های مسئولین در مورد قوانین مربوط به ورود و خروج به کوی اعتراض کردند.
این تجمع اعتراض آمیز با حضور دهها تن از دانشجویان ؛ در جلوی درب فنی کوی ؛ از ساعت 23 تا 24 شب ادامه داشت.
دانشجویان اعتراض خود را نسبت به بسته نگه داشتن درب فنی کوی ،اعلام کرده و از مدیریت کوی خواستند تا به دانشجویان احترام گذاشته و برای سهولت رفت و آمد آنان درب فنی را باز کند.نگهبانان کوی؛ دستور مدیریت را عامل بستن دربهای فرعی کوی اعلام کرده و از باز کردن درب ها بدون اجازه ی مدیریت خودداری می کنند.دانشجویان تهدید کرده اند در صورت باز نشدن درب های فرعی دست به تجمعات اعتراض امیز گسترده تر خواهند زد.
فراخوان مردمی به وسیله اس ام اس در زاهدان جهت تحصن در مقابل اداره آب این شهرستان

با توجه به گرمای بی سابقه امسال و طاق شدن طاقت مردم سیستان وبلوچستان در خصوص قطعی هاي مکررآب تجمعی بزرگ و مردمی در مقابل اداره آب این شهرستان در حال شکل گیری است .این در حالی است که مردم با ارسال اس ام اس هاي مشابه به یکدیگر خواستارحضور یکدست در روز 3مرداد ماه ,شنبه آینده در مقابل اداره آب این شهرستان شدند.این اولین باری است که اینگونه اطلاع رسانی در خصوص مسئله ای اینچنینی دربین مردم این خطه از کشورمان در حال انجام است که از قضا مورد استقبال وحمایت مردم قرار گرفته است .مردم این گونه حركتهاي اعتراضي را از دستاوردهاي قيام ميدانند .

بیانیه انجمن صنفی معلمان استان کردستان

به نام خداوند جان و خرد
مردم آگاه و آزاده
آنگونه که خبر دارید ،در روز ۲۳/4/88 یکی از فعالین انجمن صنفی کردستان در شهرستان سقز به نام آقای حسن صالح زاده که از دبیران مسئول و خوشنام ریاضی در شهرستان سقز هستند،توسط نیروهای امنیتی بازداشت می شوند.و تاکنون در بازداشت بسر می برند.این در حالیست که هنوز خانواده ی ایشان از علت بازداشت وی بی اطلاع هستند.لازم است که به اطلاع عموم رسانده شود که حسن صالح زاده از فعالین انجمن صنفی معلمان کردستان می باشد وجز تلاش برای بهبود آموزش و ارتقاء معیشت معلمان بزه ای مرتکب نشده اند.انجمن صنفی معلمان کردستان ضمن ابراز نگرانی عمیق خود از بازداشت این معلم دلسوز از مقامات استان می خواهد ایشان را فوری و بدون قید و شرط آزاد نمایند.
همکاران فرهیخته ی سراسر کشور
انجمن صنفی معلمان کردستان از شما می خواهد برای رهاندن خانواده ی ایشان از نگرانی و اضطراب با معلمان کردستان هم صدا شوید.

انجمن صنفی معلمان كردستان
درگيري در شهرك وليعصر اروميه

بنا بر خبردريافتي , شب 29 تيرماه , عوامل سركوبگر انتظامي و نيروهاي وزارت اطلاعات با يورش به شهرك وليعصر با تعدادي از افراد در شهرک وليعصر اروميه درگير شدند .
به گفته يك منبع كه نخواست نامش فاش شود اين عوامل در خيابان ستارخان شهرک وليعصر اروميه براي به قول خودشان متلاشي کردن يک خانه تيمي وارد عمل شده و اين يورش را انجام داده اند .در اين درگيري دو نفر از افراد ناشناس كشته و يك نفر مجروح گشته است.گفته مي شود به دنبال اين درگيري خيابانهاي شهرک وليعصر از چند نقطه مسدود شده و صداي تير نيز شنيده شده است . فرماندهي انتظامي استان از دادن هر نوع اطلاعات خودداري و اعلام کرد شوراي تامين شهرستان اروميه در اين زمينه بايد گزارش ارائه دهد . فرمانداري اروميه نيز در پي گيري اين خبر اعلام کرد هم اکنون شوراي تامين در حال برگزاري است و نتيجه آن ساعت 12 اعلام خواهد شد .
اعتراض مردم سیستان وبلوچستان به بي عملي دولت در خصوص طوفان های گرد و غبار در کشور

با توجه به برخورد قاطع و به ظاهر سریع دو لت در خصوص تعطیلی ادارات در شهر های بزرگ کشور از جمله پایتحت به دلیل ازدیاد گرد و غبار معلق در هوا ، صدای اعتراض مردم سیستان وبلوچستان از تریبون های محلی به گوش همگان رسید .
مردم صبور این خطه از کشور مان با حضور در ادارت و مراجع ذیربط بي عملي مسئولان را در خصوص رسیدگی به بستر خشک رودخانه هیرمند و همچنین بی تفاوتی به حال و روز مردم در ایام طوفانی هوا، بيان كرده وخواستار حل مشکل شدند ایشان با مطرح کردن این سوالات که ایا این استان جزیی از این کشور نیست و کسی صدای خس خس سینه کودکان این مرز و بوم و صداي درخواست کمک مردمانی که در منازلشان در زیر ریگ و ماسه بادی مدفون شده اندرا نمی شنود؟؟ از دو گانگی سیاست های دولت در خصوص رفع مشکلات مردم در مناطق مختلف کشور انتقاد کردند .گفتني است تعدادي از نشریات محلی در اقدامي مردمي با چاپ نامه های مردمی زمينه را برای ابراز نارضايتي ها فراهم نمودند .

For my non perisan speaking user, use: google translator:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Phone interview with Milad, brother of Martyr Masoud Hashemi!

This is a phone interview with Milad, brother of Masoud Hashemi, Killed during the Black saturday, June 20!

I have translated this phone interveiw with the brother of one of the Martyr of black saturday, june 20, Masoud Hashemi 27 years old!

This translation my contaion a lots of grammatik mistake, but I do this in memory for Masoud, so people from around the world know about his story!
That not only they killed him, but his family didt even got the chanse to say godbye to him on a proper way!!

Masoud died for Freedom!

It was 6 a clock afternoon June 20. Our Masoud goes out of the house for meeting a friend of him, which was in close to our home, in Shadman street! When I was on the way home from city center, I had seen all the uprising in the city, and I was woried about him, so I went for searching for him in the direction to his friends house for bringing Masoud home! When I reached Nosrat croos-road, I could hear Gun shoot, and I saw several that was hit during this shooting, when I walk in their direction, there was a farmacy between the place I stod and the place I was heading to, and people was brought the wounded once to that farmacy!
When I reached to that Farmacy, I recognized Masoud from his watch on his hand and his ring on his finger, and his cloths! when I saw that it was our Masoud, I was shooked!
When we bring Masoud to that farmasy,2 min after he was shooted at, the health personal confirm that he has lost his life!
At that point we come to that agreement to bring Masoud to a distance City, we searched for a abulance, but it was very difficult, everyone who was in Tehran at that date knows about the situation during june 20!
During this events, our landlord say what was going on, and his son offered to drive us, we got a paper from the doctor, and at night we start to drive to the dictance city, at 05.00 sunday morning we reached our birth place in north Iran, Rasht city! The night before I had contacte my brother to arrange our arrivel, he had informed the city concuol, and friend and family!
But they didnt allow us to bury Masoud, since the told us that the paper was not in order, and the reason of death has to be confirmed by a hospital! Me and my driver went to interrigation about what the situation! and we was arrested to the day after!
And they didnt let me take part in the funeral, and it was very difficult for me!

The Journalist aks which part of the body Masoud was hit?

As I was informed from his friend, he was hited at a croos-road, the bullet hit his heart, and goes trough his lung and goes out from behind his body! And according to the his "death-jourrnal" it happed very quieqly for Maoud, and he died very fast! This was the exact reason, as they told us! They had written, shooted by bullet at heart, lung punkture, and extreamly internal bleeding!!!

Journalist: can you tell us more about the restricton they have put on you? what is the exact restriction that you are talking about?
After the funeral of masoud, june 21, wich I didnt participated in!my family went to our friend place as the tradition... me and the driver was realeased the day after!
On the 22 june, we started to publish about the cermony we was going to have for Masoud! At that afternoon we was onthe way for publishing about this cermony, as it is in the iranian tradition and culture! When we was putting up posters about this event, we was informed that they had taken down our posters from the wall of we just had placed our posters on!
They took down all the posters and at that night, june 22 they contacted me and they ask me if we was going to hold a cermony on the 3. day after death( as its a tradition in Iran), and I said, yes offcourse, our brother has been killed and we have to have this cermony to respect him. They said, no you are not allowed to arrange this cermony, until the reason of the death and our investigation about it is finish you are not allowed to arrange this cermony! they day after we went to talk with them, we talk i some hour, but they didnt give us a good reason to not hold a cermony,they just told us to NOT hold this cermony! If you hold this cermony if will be difficult for both you and your family! Just go back to Tehran and dont stay here anymore! we told them that this is impossible, becouse our beloved in buried here!
They got our signature on a paper that stated that we was not going to hold any cermony, and we only could visit his grave after a sertain clock that are after the date we had planed in the beginning, and dont have any ghatering there!
and in that situation we was at that time, we agreed all this conditions!
We visited Sohrab A`rabis family.It was very nice from mr. Musavi to visit our family, with several from his party, they visited us from organisation for "Mothers for Peace" for my mother!

Masoud was not a guy who was intrested in politic, he was a gentel and humbled person, with a positive energy, he was intrested in art, music,film. He was not part of this political play at all, but I dont know way, he was very interrested in mr. Musavi, and was very sad after the result of this "election".


Full rapport about 30 Tir!!

Mullahs prepare grounds for suppression on anniversary of July 21 pro-Mossadeq uprising

In an attempt to prepare the grounds for the brutal suppression of any demonstration on the anniversary of uprising on July 21, 1952 in support of the nationalist government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq, Brig. Gen.Ahmadreza Radan, deputy commander of the State Security Forces (SSF), was quoted by the State-run news agency Mehr, as saying, “The police will deal harshly with any illegal gathering which would create disorder in society.”
Hossein Shariatmadari, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's representative in Kayhan daily warned the leaders and associates of the rival factions against continuing the protests in his article, which appeared in Kayhan yesterday. He threatened them that “the turmoil they have instigated by the enemies' orders will cause such a heavy storm that would annihilate the new divisive conspiracy just as it did in 1980s.”
The clerical regime has put on alert all its suppressive forces including the Revolutionary Guards, the Bassij paramilitary force, SSF, crack units of anti-riot police, plainclothes as well as the Ministry of Intelligence agents to prevent any protest from gathering steam.

Suppressive forces stationed in central Tehran's streets and squares

By 16:30 local time today, groups of Revolutionary Guards, anti-riot police, State Security Forces (SSF), plainclothes agents have stationed in Tehran’s central streets and squares including Vali Asr, Haft Tir, Keshavarz Boulevard, Amir Abad and Zand streets. The forces are also stationed in Baharestan Square adjacent to mullahs’ Parliament (Majlis). Helicopters are also hovering over the areas where people have gathered.
The regime’s forces are mobilized to crackdown today’s demonstrations to commemorate the July 21, 1952 uprising in support of the nationalist government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq.
According to a report at about 17:45, the suppressive forces of SSF had surrounded the Mokhber al-Dowleh square. They were beating people brutally with batons. The forces based in the area carry guns and batons.

Women demonstrators in Tehran chant death to Khamenei, hail to Mossadeq.

40 women and five men arrested outside Takhti Stadium:

at around 17:45 today some 40 women chanting death to Khamenei and hail to Mossadeq were attacked by suppressive forces outside Takhti Stadium as they were planning to join today’s demonstration.
The plainclothes agents and Ministry of Intelligence agents arrested this group of women. The suppressive forces also arrested five men and transferred them to the police station in Palestine Square.
In Vali Asr square the regime’s forces are trying to prevent people from marching toward Haft Tir Square (Rezaii-Ha Square) by firing tear gas. The number of people at this point is mounting.

1,500 security forces stationed in Takhti Stadium:

Revolutionary Guards & paramilitary Bassij in Al-Javad Mosque – Haft Tir Square.

Al-Javad Mosque in Haft Tir Squar (Rezaii-ha Square) is currently packed with Revolutionary Guards and the paramilitary Bassij.
Massive numbers of suppressive forces have been stationed inside the mosque complex and around it since early hours of this morning.
The mosque is also used as a detention center.
In the meantime, some 1,500 agents of the State Security Forces are present in Takhti and Shiroudi stadiums. They include forces on foot patrol and motorcycles.

Yare Dabestani, By a free soul in USA

Yar-e Dabestani [elementary school friend] This militant anthem made famous by the late singer Fereydoun Foroughi (1951-2001) has become an important rallying cry for social action among our Iranian friends. It is a call to action in a context where the right to exist is being brutally suppressed by force. Like most popular songs it can be interpreted in many ways. On the surface, using a metaphor comparing the Iranian population to schoolchildren being disciplined, it basically says wake up my friend, look what has happened to us; we cant expect somebody to come along and save us. We have to liberate ourselves, so lets do it! It has great meaning for me personally because I feel it deeply as a general statement that I have to be an adult, face what is happening and not deny problems; then I have to find a way to solve them. Im not part of this Iranian struggle, but I want them to succeed. I need to see this kind of thinking prevail among my fellow humans no matter where they live, no matter what they believe and no matter what language they speak. When they succeed I will feel freer too. There is no end to it though. This cycle has been repeating all over the world for many centuries. Each new generation must fight its way out of the darkness all over again. After the Iranians finally put the current Islamic government in the trash where it belongs, they will be fighting similar battles on other fronts for many years until they let go of that old tribal habit of trying to find somebody to tell them what to do and think (a herder). Right now that herder is the religious guide--that infamous self-aggrandizing mullah known as the marja-e taqlid--but there is always somebody who wants that job, because the herder is so well paid and there are so many sheeple! The kind of self-reliance that can bring an end to that foolish search and put these ideological bosses out of business is very, very hard to come by. It is so much easier to stay safe and unnoticed in the herd until that bad day comes when we wake up and realize the whole herd is being exploited, selectively slaughtered and abused. Then we sing Yar-e Dabestani again!

The Father of All iranian!! Dr. Mosaddegh

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Written messege of Revolution...


Please share this clip with ur local Media!!

This is a evidence that the iranian regime are shooting directly at the protesters!!


Phone call from Iran!!

I have translated this phone call, so people of the rest of the world has a better wiew on the peoples condition in Iran!!
It may have lots of english error, due to my lack of english knowledge!! I am sorry for that!!

But the most important messege this phone call from a 66 years old lady is giving, is that people WILL NOT GIVE UP!! UNTIL THE THEIR GET THEIR JUSTICE!! UNTILL THE ENTIRE REGIME HAS CHANGED!!

My name is Maral, I am talking from Tehran, I have reached ur phone with a lots of difficulty!
I am 66 years old lady, we are group of 3, that have contact with each other and going out for protest togheter, and we are our own leader! I am the youngest one in this group,the next two are 70 and 73 years old! We are fighting side by side with our young once!
You dont know whats going on here, you only see it on Moives that some one got killed... and when the casting of the movie is finish, he rise up and laughing, for the mistake he may have done in that scene!
But this time, when someone got shooted at, he dont rise up anymore, for he know that its not a movie anymore! But his soul is smiling!
Its like war-movie, but the real war is for soul and body, for freedom, its war for escaping from the big prison, named Iran!! People whant either to die or live normal!! Now the fear is gone, no one is afraid for anything anymore!! Poeple are in the street for gaining a nomarl Life, for to breath normal, and ecaping from this Big prison!
They stole peoples mony to spend it on terror, to support Hamas, Hizbollah and etc.. they have taked away peoples Pride, Dignity,Soul,Mind,Faith,Trust,Belive!! They have stolen so much that people are full of Anger now, they are not afraid anymore, For they have nothing to lose anymore!!
I my own God I belive, I have seen so much thing that I am so sure that people will not give up untill they have get what is belonging to them!!Untill that day that people have opend the door of this Big Prison! Justice has to be taken, you can not give it!! Where are those parent that sacrifyed everything they had to a group of savage!!Its time to rise up now,their time is here, rise up because of ur children, We have to take back our Justice! Dignity has to come back to Iran!! You dont know what they do to people here!You are watching a Movie, its
like a tragic-movie, a movie of Horror, a movie that all its actress has been training in 30 years, and recived a Phd degree for that!! And playing this reality movie now, and publishing their own historys!!! This is a movie of Justice, and the seeking for Justice!!
After all I have said now, let me also say the positive thing from this last days...
You dont know that before this uprising people was so full of anger, hate and furustration!
Every one lived with the illusion that they lived in a tiredless life! But the journey is over now, and everbody want to travell back to their home now!!For this "hotel" is smelling very bad now.. the mission is over now, they are paying back for the hotel now! They are not afraid to pay anymore! they just want to pay the price to get back to their home!! They will return and strat from ground zero!! You dont know hwo much people in the streets, in mals, etc have changed .. has been so gentle now..everybody is happy and smiling now! The furustration is gone now! with two finger they show each other the Victory sign! Car which are passing each other, do that while they are showing eachother Victory sign!! and get respond from other cars!! There is no more fighting among the people anymore like before!
Everyone who has been beaten up and fallen, just rise up and countiue their Own way for freedom! I AM ONE OF THEM MY SELF!! I the age of 66 I was beaten up, and falled to the ground!!! My knee is still wounded!!BUT I AM HAPPY..
Everyone is polite and respectfull now! The cars show respect to people which are crosing the road!! When I complained before, they told me that I live in a dream land!! But now people apologize and showing respect to eachother!!
Is that something that traitor wanted!!( reffering to khamenei) They dont let people have a free mind!!everone respect eachother!!
I dont know if this regime are from another Planet??
Everything has changed! even the owner in Buttics has not so many costumer anymore, they are still happy!!
Everybody is in Alarm mode, a War mode, for closing their shops...
You dont know about the nights in our streets!! everynight at 22.00 when people are chanting "God Is Great"!! And Tehran is shaking!! Its like a wave of Muic and Melody!!People get such a relaxing felling to listen to that!! I know about the entire city!! Niyavaran, Mahomide, Shahrake-gharb,eslam-shahr, afsariye... I have friends in all this places, and we have contact with eachother, for cheking where the sounds are coming from!!People are chanting "God is Great" " Death of Dictator"
Once I was vittnes my self, when people was chanting from their windows, 5 Basiji members come and 20 on motor-bike, arrived our street!! the fired in the air, and at the same time, they arrested several people in our street!! But people still continued to chant against them!! when people arrest some of them, they become quaite and are so afraid for the people!! Their power is only in they weapons!! as long as they have it in their hand!!But their are nothing!!
I know that WE WILL WIN!! For Justice belong to us!!
Some day before the election, was a holiday, and I was invited to a place, and I wsa getting a Taxi to go there! Outside a mousqe was a ghatering of 20 supporter of this regime for this holiday!! I say with my own evey, that people didnt care about them! girls was walking with red head-scarf and boys was vering red T-shirts beside them!!
But since it was the election time, the regime didnt stopp anyone for the way they was dressed up, you could even go naken, they still would not care!!
But even we in a war now, but people mode is good, the faith is good, the Hope is back!no one is afraid anymore!!
About our Neda they told us that it was the foreginers, but from what this regime did during the last revolution they know exactly what to do!! They know who to make the Lie!! because they did it them self!! They have training in that! They say that foreginers killed Neda, but no one belives them!!
If they tell people that its day now, people will say that its night!!

Before the election in the street was many young people that was giving flyers for different candidates!! one day I was taking a Taxi, some young boys and girls come to give me flyers, I didnt want to take that, But the driver take one of the flyers! and when the taxi driver turned the flyer, on its back it was written: DONT VOTE!!!
And I was regretting for not taking one, for having a evidence!!

There is so much conflict among them self, that at the end, they have to eat up them self!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The identity of the Murdrer of Neda Agha-Soltani has been known!!

The identity of the Murdrer of Neda Agha-Soltani has been known!!
His name is Abbas Karegar-Javid, and are member of the revolutionary guards!!
He was arrested by the people soon after the killing of neda, but released when the people get his identity card!!

قاتل ندا آقا سلطان
فرد فوق، عباس کارگر جاوید عضو سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی ، همان کسی است که در قتل ندا آقاسلطان دست داشته است و توسط مردم دقایقی بعد از قتل ندا بازداشت می شود و کارت شناسایی به دست مردم مییفتد

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The burnt corpse of a female demonstrator found after a month in captivity

The burnt corpse of a female demonstrator found after a month in captivity

The burnt corpse of Taraneh Mousavi, a 28-year-old woman who was arrested during a demonstration a month ago, was found yesterday between Karaj and Qazvin, west of Tehran.

The regime’s henchmen have threatened Taraneh’s family not to hold a funeral ceremony for her and not to tell anyone the way she was killed.

Taraneh was arrested by the suppressive forces in Tehran’s Shariati Street and was immediately taken to one of the secret torture center known as “Safe houses.” Two weeks after her arrest, an unidentified person called her mother and told her that Taraneh’s corpse was in a hospital in Karaj but the hospital authorities denied it. Only one employee at the hospital said that the plainclothes agents brought in a woman with similar description to those of Taraneh while she was unconscious and she was taken away from there in the same state.

Mohammad Kamrani! Killed under torture!!

Even when Mohammad was brutally tortured and there was almost no life in him anymore, he was still "locked" to his bed so he could not scape,in the Loghman hospital by the security forces!!

After his pressure from his family he was moved to Mehr hospital!! But the doctors in Mehr Hospital said that becouse of the infection, the life of Mohammad Kamrani could not be saved!!

MOHAMMAD KAMRANI!! another Martyr of Iran!!

طبق گفته خانواده، محمد را در حالیکه تقریبا نیمه جان بوده و سراسر بدنش علائم باتوم و شکنجه بوده به تخت بیمارستان بسته بودند تا امکان فرار نداشته باشد . با تلاش خانواده بالاخره می توانند محمد را از بیمارستان لقمان مرخص و بلافاصله به بیمارستان مهر منتقل می کنند اما در آنجا پزشکان متخصص می گویند با توجه به اینکه عقونت تقریبا تمام بدن را فراگرفته امیدی در بهبود نیست و محمد ظرف کمتر از 3 ساعت در تاریخ 25 تیر شهید می شود

Friday, July 17, 2009

Full Rapport about Friday pray July 17!!

Demonstrators march toward Tehran’s Azadi Square chanting “Death to dictator, both Leader and the Doctor” A large crowd demonstrating in Tehran at about 15:00 on Friday, chanted, “Death to the dictator, both Leader and the Doctor” referring to the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a self-proclaimed ‘doctor’. The protestors also chanted, Death over Russia!

Young demonstrators punish a number of Basij and plainclothes agents Around 18:00 local time, clashes between suppressive forces and people in streets of Tehran were still going on. The suppressive forces, on foot and on motorbikes, were attacking women and girls on streets beating them violently. Many people are wounded.

Intense clashes in streets around Tehran University Suppressive forces fire on demonstrators, dozens arrested Eye witnesses report intense clashes between people and the suppressive forces in streets around Tehran University. The Revolutionary Guards and anti-riot forces are brutally attacking people using tear gas, truncheons and other means. Military helicopters are i all over Tehran

Thousands chant in Tehran streets: “Iranians will die but will not surrender to humiliation” Thousands of Tehran residents have gathered near Palestine, Jamalzadeh and Kargar streets since this morning. A large crowd is also gathered around Tehran University despite strict security measures preventing people from going toward the university.

Mullahs’ regime beefs up security in vicinity of Tehran Friday prayers Since the morning, the mullahs’ regime heightened security and deployed its suppressive security forces in Azadi, Enghelab, Qods, Vesal-e Shirazi, and 16-Azar streets as well as in Keshavarz Boulevard and other streets leading to Enghelab Street and Enghelab Square.

Tens of thousands of suppressive forces were mobilized to confront today's demonstrations in Tehran
5000 State Security Forces took up positions in Tehran University and its vicinity!

Tens of thousands of the Iranian regime's suppressive forces were mobilized for today’s demonstrations. There were 5,000 of the regime's State Security Forces, large number of plainclothes agents as well as anti-riot and Basij paramilitary forces were out in streets. Many vehicles were also parked to take detainees away.

Since early hours of demonstrations on Friday, helicopters were flying over central Tehran, particularly Tehran University, in order to detect the locations of protests and clashes.

The clerical regime brought in a large number of soldiers for Friday prayers in coaches giving them two days off. This was intended to fill the university campus (prayers’ area) in order to prevent the protestors from entering the site.

Young demonstrators punish a number of Basij and plainclothes agents!

Around 18:00 local time, clashes between suppressive forces and people in streets of Tehran were still going on. The suppressive forces, on foot and on motorbikes, were attacking women and girls on streets beating them violently. Many people are wounded.To counter the attacks, young people identified some of the Basij and plainclothes agents, especially those attacking women and girls, and punished them.

Rooftop protesters chant "Death to Khamenei the usurperm leader"

On the 35th day of the nationwide uprising and following courageous demonstrations across Tehran today, local residents tonight chanted anti-regime slogans from their rooftops, displaying their resolve to continue their fight against the ruling clerical regime. The chants of “God is great,” “Death to Khamenei the usurper” and “Sohrab is not dead, the government is dead” could be heard in Dowlat, Jordan, Mirdamad, Pasdaran and Mokhaberat streets and in Tehran Pars and Shahrak-e Gharb townships.

All Friday pray in English

Over at Anonymous Iran, NiteOwl is providing an English translation of Rafsanjani’s address at Friday prayers:

(Prayers for Muslims)
Before I give out the Khotba (speech of Friday), I must say that the people who have gathered in Tehran University and in streets,
They should know that Friday prayers should not be tainted with slogans and chants that do not belong here.
This is a sacred and an Islamic act.
(More jargon)
The enemies of Islam want to question the legitimacy and effectiveness of our regime.
(Still jargon going on)
The second part of my speech is about the revolution for which people did Jihad.
I want to explain to the younger generation where we started and where we are going with the revolution
The third part of my speech will be about the current situation of Iran.
This will be my personal view,
We are with you in your happiness and your grief.
(bad connection)

Nothing really important going on at this point.
He’s just speaking about the early days of the revolution.
He’s talking about how they opened up a school in Qom.
He’s basically just talking about the early revolution, Qom and such.
he’s just talking about the early history of Islam.
Nothing really about the current situation. That is going to come at the end.
He’s only speaking about the early history of Islam. Completely irrelevant stuff.
He’s talking about how Mohammed built the first mosque in Madina.
Now he’s talking about he bought land in Medina to build the second Islamic mosque.
(sounds like he’s trying to go for the emotional appeal)
Talking about Medina and the early days of Islam

What we learn from government from Islam is this: Follow god and then there’s the people.
The Koran has Allah mentioned 3,000 times.
And the word for people has been used 4 to 5 hundred times.
What Mohammed did mostly was he created love and unity between the people.
The first thing Mohammed did was he united all the tribes in Medina.
Then he went to the people of other religions.
When Jews, Christians and people of other religion came to Medina,
He talked to all of them, and he created a unity within the city.
He created a brotherhood between everyone inside the city.
Between Muslims and non-Muslims.
This was a pact between brothers, between different religions.
This created eternal peace inside a small city.
This small city was able to use this peace and topple gigantic empires.
The government that Mohammed brought was unprecedented.
There were governments, but they were autocracies and they acted against the people.
Mohammed brought a government that was for the people, based on god’s law.

When Gabriel came to Mohammed and gave him the first words of the Koran,
(Now reciting those first verses)
This was when the future of Mohammed was cleared for him.
(Explaining the verses)
God created man and gave him understanding and the power to write.
The power that gave us this ability,
He tells us that we have him as the judge.
And when we die, he will remember everything that we have done.
Thus, we shouldn’t be arrogant, we should consider god’s creatures weak.
Because He is the judge.
(more religious jargon, talking about angels)

Let us ask what sort of society the prophet wanted.
Mohammed wanted all humans to have all the rights,
He didn’t want anyone’s rights to be infringed upon.
One of the last things he said before he died,
He said, Oh people, I came to say Good Bye to you.
If I have said something to you and I have not done it, please let me know.
If I have taken something from you, then tell me so I could give it back.
I don’t want anything to be left for the afterlife.
This is the kind of leader we have.
He paved the way for Islamic unity.
(recites a verse from the Koran)
(Verse talks about unity of Muslims)
God has put love between humans.
It was god who created love between Muslims.

That’s how Mohammed created a society that was united as one.
But when he was dying, he realized that this might come to an end.
And that people might break apart and might create enemies with one another.
(explains a couple of incidents that created rifts between earlier Muslims)
Do know that Mohammed is the ideal for everyone,
For all Muslims, for all humans.
His life in Medina is the best example for how a government should operate.
He fought along side his friends and his loved ones at times when he was being attacked from all sides.
Then a day came when his friends captured the Empires of the Sassanids.
But at the end of his life, he realized that there might be rifts between Muslims,
And their unity might be in danger.
In his ten years of prophecy, he created a system upon which we have based our own revolution.
(phone cut off for a little)
(Recites a verse) (reciting more verses)
(Praying for the martyred members of Mohammed’s family)

This week, Imam Jafar Sadigh’s martyrdom’s celebration will be held.
He spent his entire life either in prison or being censored.
(Talking about Imam Jafar Sadigh’s life and how pious a man he was)

I want to talk about the death of the Chinese citizens recently,
(People are chanting Azadi .. Azadi .. )
People, I have asked you all to not chant slogans
I am asking you as your Imam at this prayer,
The government of China has quelled the protests.
We would like to give them a brotherly advice,
There are more than a billion Muslims in the world,
China should pay attention to its relations between itself.
Such cruelty could destroy those relations.
There are fighting in Palestine and Pakistan and other places,
Hopefully they will stop.

The elections that took place,
The preparations were good.
We liked what went before the election,
The four candidates,
They talked in an open environment,
People became hopeful about the elections,
We should have been proud of this election,
Because people went to vote, in large numbers,
We should thank them for voting.
For taking part in the election is such huge numbers,
Alas, if only that environment continued to this day.
What happened after the election was not what we expected it to be.
Let us ask ourselves what we want,
What does the revolution want?

You are listening to someone who has been with the revolution every minute of the revolution
We know what Imam Khomeini wanted,
What his ideas were,
Imam Khomeini always said that you should always listen to the people,
See what the people want,
If the people are with us, then we have everything.
The Islamic Revolution was the way of Mohammed.
People should be brought into the system first,
This is why Imam Khomeini was successful.

It took years of hardship for us to get to where we are.
We remember when people filled the streets,
When they took to protesting with the Imam Khomeini,
Against a government that was getting help from the East and the West,
But people stood firm.
And they succeeded.
After the success of the revolution,
We were with Imam Khomeini,
He always said that without the participation of the people the Islamic government would never be successful.
The role that Imam gave the people was very high.
(Story about Mohammed’s late life about how important people are)
(More religious jargon)

When we were writing the new constitution,
We asked the Imam for advice,
He put a lot of emphasis on the role of the people.
He also knew that people’s vote was the most important thing inside our country.
Everything depended upon the people’s vote.
People should directly elect the president, the parliament, the local council.
It was all about the vote of the people.
This is a theocracy,
A theocratic republic.
(People chanting)
Be patient, be calm.
If the government is not Islamic, then we are heading no where.
If it is not a republic, then it doesn’t amount to anything.

The elections that took place,
We have taken a step.
What I think is the solution to what is going on is that, at the end of the process,
There were people who created false propaganda,
(People chanting REALLY loudly)
A large number of people became suspicious,
We need to clear their suspicions.

Today, we need unity more than ever.
Our country needs to be united against this danger.
My brothers,
My sisters,
My view is this,
We should all think together
So our country could remain united,
Against this danger that is facing us.
Our enemies are trying to destroy our unity,

I have several proposals for this,
I have talked to my friends about this.
I’m going to express them to you as well.

The most important thing that has happened is that the trust that brought the people to vote in such large number is not there anymore.
We need to return this trust.
We all need to follow the law. And I’m talking about the government, the parliament, the Islamic Courts and the security forces.
We need to follow the laws.
All problems can be solved if we only follow the framework of the laws.
We need to create an environment where all sides could come together and discuss their issues.
We need to be able to sit down like brothers and sisters and talk about our differences.
The chance that was given to the Guardian Council of five days to get people together and regain their trust was not used.
That is not there anymore.
But we still have time to unite.

We shouldn’t imprison our own people,
We should let these people return to their homes,
We shouldn’t let our enemies laugh at us because we’ve imprisoned our own people.
We should sit together with mourners,
And we should console them,
And bring them back closer to the system.
We should not be impatient now.

Please do not censor media outlets that have legally obtained permits.
Let them do what they want to do legally.
Allow a peaceful and friendly environment to prosper.
We are all together in the Islamic Revolution,
We’ve all spent years in suffering,
We’ve all given martyrs for the cause of the revolution,
This unity needs to fostered.

I’m hopeful that we will be able to achieve this unity in the future,
And I’m hopeful we will get out of this situation,
Based on the wishes of the people,
And consensus among the leaders.

May God Bless You All.
May God Bless You All.
May God keep you all safe,
Keep you with this spirit, around.

(End of speech.)

Friday Pray!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

علیرضا افتخاری ، یکی دیگر از شهدای قیام
جسد شهید علیرضا افتخاری، جوان 24 ساله ای که در جریان جنبش اخیر مفقود شده بود؛ بعد از 25 روز بی اطلاعی خانواده اش؛ روز دوشنبه دوشنبه 22 تير تحویل خانواده اش داده شده است.

The dead body of Alireza Eftekhari 25 years, which has been missing in 25 days was deliverd to he`s family on Monday!

Ghatering outside Sohrab A`rabis house!! July 15

People are saying:
Mahmoud the Traitor you have ruined our homeland
you have killed youths of our country, God is Great!
you have put 1000s in Grave, God is Great!

Death over you Death over you!!
Deat over dictator!
Our Sohrab is not dead, but its this regime who have died!!
I will kill those who have killed my brother!!
My brave brother, I will take back your vote!
All Political Prisoners must be realesd!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tehran's medical college faculty protest against suppression of people

Close to 200 faculty members of the University of Tehran’s medical college held a protest gathering at Shariati hospital on Monday. They were denouncing the clerical regime’s suppression of the Iranian people’s recent protests.

Separately, a group of faculty members at medical universities in Tehran released a statement, asking: What sort of humanitarian or Islamic principle underlies the suppression of the widespread peaceful and just protests of the people, comparing the protestors to dust and twigs, creating a militarized atmosphere, violently attacking the university campus, beating and killing people on the streets, raiding private residences, and sparking terror, fear and destruction by certain elements and a phenomenon called “plain-clothes agents”?

They added: We, a group of university faculty members and doctors, vehemently oppose this unjust trend, and demand the unconditional release of all political prisoners and all those detained.

The faculty members and doctors also said: We demand the lifting of all social restrictions and limitations on mass communication, and an end to the atmosphere of censorship which has become prevalent since the election. Silencing media outlets and imposing strong controls on or disrupting phone communication, SMS, and internet use would not only help improve the situation, but will rather lead to increasing lack of trust among the public who may instead turn to foreign media outlets.

Student wounded by regime agents dies in hospital !!

A University of Tehran student who was shot from a mosque rooftop by the Iranian regime’s plain-clothes agents during recent protests has lost the fight to stay alive. Yaghoub Barvayeh, 27, was shot on in the head on June 25 by forces of the paramilitary Bassij who had taken positions at the top of Lolagar Mosque in Tehran and shooting into the crowds.

His friends immediately checked him into the Loghman hospital, but he died on July 1 as a result of his wounds, despite attempts by doctors to keep him alive.

Yaghoub was the second child in a family of five from Ahvaz (southeast Iran). According to some reports, he was only able to open his eyes a few minutes before his death, at which time he gripped his mother’s hand and assured her with a fading voice, “Mom, I’m dying for freedom.” He then passed away.

The clerical regime’s security forces took Yaghoub’s body and transferred it to an unknown location. After 48 hours, they informed his family that he had been buried. The agents also sought assurances from the family to refrain from spreading any news about the incident and avoid holding a memorial ceremony.

Detained women are brutally tortured

Detained women are brutally tortured

Nearly one month after suppressive forces arrested Ms. Taraneh Mousavi, 28, there is still no information about her fate and whereabouts. She was arrested by suppressive forces on June 17 in Shari’ati Street in Tehran during the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising.

Her mother was informed recently that Taraneh was undergoing treatment in Khomeini Hospital in Karaj, but when her mother went to the hospital, officials told her that they had no record of her there.

According to eye-witness reports, Taraneh and a group of other people were arrested and taken by plainclothes agents to a secret torture site known as a “safe-house”. All those arrested with her were later transferred to Evin Prison, but no one has been able to confirm if she had been transferred from that center or removed from the custody of the plainclothes agents.

Detainees of the uprising, in particular women and girls, are facing physical and psychological torture and even rape by plainclothes agents who are under the direct command of the office of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

In addition to Taraneh, there is no word on the fate of many other detained women and girls. At least 14 women and girls were among those arrested during protests on July 9, and their relatives have no information about them. (There is a list available with their names)

In Iran, having satellite dishes is a permit for Bassij raids

On Monday, the state-run Fars news agency quoted an Iranian regime security official as saying that a law passed by the regime’s Majlis (parliament) “about preventing the illegal use of satellite dishes is still in force” and the paramilitary Bassij “has the legal authority” to confiscate the equipment.

The official, Colonel Morteza Taraghi, added, “Removing satellite dishes is not limited to a particular time period … and the police will confiscate them.”

“The police will deal with visible offenses, such that in places where dishes can be seen, they will be removed.”

Having failed to suppress widespread anti-regime protests, the ruling clerics are moving to suppress people in their own homes under the pretext of collecting satellite dishes.

"God is great" chant banned

"God is great" chant banned

The Iranian regime’s security forces have banned the slogan which has become a staple of Iran’s nights as an act of protest to the regime’s rule. Over the past weeks, during the nationwide uprising, Iranians have gone to their rooftops at nights, chanting “Allahu Akbar” (God is great). Now, the regime’s security forces call it an act “against the laws of the holy ruling system,” threatening those who chant it with “legal measures,” which in the regime’s parlance means carrying out suppressive arbitrary actions against Iranians. Recently a letter was leaked, which was written by the 135th branch of police headquarters in the district of Ekbatan to the central council of the district. In it, the police says, “On most nights, we come across the residents of buildings in Ekbatan chanting slogans either due to their ignorance or in order to pursue the calls of satellite channels at certain pre-designated times. This is against the laws of the holy ruling system and can lead to legal action against them. Therefore, these residents must be asked to refrain from chanting slogans. Otherwise, the culprits’ residences will be identified and they will be dealt with in accordance with the law.”