Thursday, July 9, 2009

The lastet news about 18 Tir!!

تهران: ماموران نيروي انتظامي با حمله به مردم كه در چهارراه ولي عصر تجمع كرده و شعار مي دادند، تنها دو نوجوان را بازداشت كردند و آنها را در حالي كه به دليل ضرب و شتم ماموران از سر و بينيشان خون مي آمد، بازداشت كردند. نكته مهم در اين حادثه اين بود كه پس از بازداشت اين دو نوجوان، چند مامور لباس شخصي بسيجي با چماق به طرف آنها حمله كرده و دقايقي آنها را به شدت مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند كه با اعتراض مردم اين دو نوجوان به خودروي پليس منتقل شدند.

تهران :با پرتاب گاز اشك آور در خيابان كارگر از سوي ماموران پليس، يك پسربچه 8 ساله كه
در حال بازي در پارك لاله بود به دليل استشمام گاز اشك آور بيهوش شد و از سوي مردم حاضر در محل و مادرش، به بيمارستان پارس منتقل شد.
، با فريادهاي مادر اين پسربچه مردم به طرف او رفتند و وقتي فهميدند كه فرزندش به دليل استشمام گاز اشك آور بيهوش شده با دادن دود به سينه وي، او را به بيمارستان پارس در بلوار كشاورز منتقل كردند. نيروهاي بسيج و سپاه حضور ملموس نداشتند اما از حدود يكي دو ساعت قبل به طور واضح در خيابانها مسقر شده اند

سنندج: ساعت1930: در ميدان اصلي شهر سنندج، مردم زيادي تجمع كرده اند نيروي انتظامي زيادي چيده شده. در هر 20متر چند نفر نيروي انتظامي چيده شده است

-Special forces have surrounded students dorm. Amirabad and jamalzedeh are so crowded ( not confiremd!!)
-Amirabad also under fire and jamalzade lots of injured it is hit and run
-Heavy Clashes near Azadi Sq. at least 3 people get shoted by Sec. forces
-police fire in air to disperse protesters
-They R brutally attacking us & there R trucks of extra forces coming to control the protests!

-People attacked Basij in SaadatAbad and Sattarkhan
-vank and kargar also so many people clashed some are running with blood all over there face

مردم دارند ازتاكتيك بزن در رو استفاده ميكنند تا نيروهاي سركوبگر را فرسوده كنند , آنها
دريك نقطه تظاهرات ميگذارند تا نيروي انتظامي رابه آن سمت بكشانند كه جمعيت بتواند به تظاهرات بزرگ بپوندد

- Army Helicopters Shooting at People at Azadi Sq. (not conf)
-Heavy Clashes near Azadi Sq. at least 3 people get shoted by Sec. forces
-Shots heard at Keshavarz Blvd. in Tehran

-People are throwing rocks and cocktail Molotovs to Basiji forces on Shariati Street

-Although police have been able to break up protesters they are reorganizing moving to side streets
-strs leading to Enghelab full ppl at least 8to10 thousand...all clapping and sign of Freedom fingers
-Basiji are taking picture of people to identify them later!!
-Slogans around Enghelab: Coup Gov Should resign, Death to Dictator
-People have beaten up one Basiji at enghelab square!!!
-PPL got attacked and eye witness reported bloody PPL and teargas
-Hundreds of protesters reported in a lot of locations in Iran, including Enghelab, Vanak, Imam Hossein, and etc
-More than 30 people were arrested near Tehran Univ-بيش از 30 نفر روبروي دانشگاه تهران دستگير شدند
- ppl determined: still chanting in front of polytech.UNI.
-Isfahan, people are gathered from khaje bridge to 33 Bridge, sec.forces have closes the streets
-Heavy clashes in central Squares in Esfehan and Tabriz!!!
-People are shooting death to khamenei!!
-Heavy Clashes at Karegar Shomali St, (Near Enghlab Sq.) Tear gas, Fire and blockage.
-Police shooting tear gas to people. people shouting dead to dicatetor
-People are being arrested brutally in Enghelab, and tear gass is used in Vanak

- Basiji forces torturing people in public by throwing them from second floor buildings with tied hands and closed eyes!- Not confirmed!!

- Confirmed one protestor arrested at Enghelab Sq. Crowd moving from Polytechnic toward Vali-Asr

-Ppl coming from Imam Hossein Sq. to Revolution St; Brave ppl from Imam Hossein sq joining other protesters

-Protests reported in Tabriz, Isfahan & Shiraz as well.

-Confirmed gunshots and tear gas fired at Engelab Sq.

-Police Attacked People at Enghelab Sq

-Hundreds of Protesters chanting against the regime infron of Ploytechnic University, Near Azadi Sq

-police throwing tear gas into buses, some protesters gathering near Tehran Univ

-Clashes infront of Tehran Universi and VankSq

-Enghelab square is packed with people,Basijis are beating people, people are coming fromsurronding streets

-Brave people are joining the demonstration from Imam Hossain square toward Enghelab square

-Security forces started using tear gas in Karegar St. But sources say ppl r still turning up in huge numbers.

-Clashes reportd in Saatad Abad Hundreds of protestrs sitting on grnd in 12-e-Farvardin

- RT Reg forces withdrawn from Enghelab and guards are put in...GOD plz help us. We have to do it!!

-police throwing tear gas into buses, some protesters gathering near Tehran Univ

2000-3000 has ghatered in front of the Tehran University!! and are chanting, natarsid natarsid, ma hame ba ham hastim!! dont be afareid, we are all togheter!!

People are on the way to Enghelab square!!

People are ghatering in Vanak square! 16,40

Anti-riot police and Plain cloths police have the entire Enghelab square under their site, and trying to identify "suspesoius" people!!! People are arriving enghelab square in small groups 16.30

One unit of revoluotionary guards has been placed in front of the internall affairs ministery department! 16.15

The helicpoters are flying constant over Tehran! 15.30

The Mobile-nett work is allmost down in entire Tehran! 14,45

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