Thursday, December 31, 2009
نامه ی سرگشاده ی جمعی از دانشجویان دانشکده ی فنی به فرهاد رهبر
پس از انجام مذاکرات برخی از اعضای شورای نمایندگان مهندسی شیمی و پلیمر با آقای دکتر کمره ای، در ارتباط با دستگیری غیرقانونی پنج تن از دانشجویان این رشته؛ با خبر شدیم که بناست در جلسه ای پیام دانشجویان دانشکدۀ فنی به شما منتقل شود.
جناب آقای دکتر؛
پیش از این، از آن رو که به بی گناهی عزیزان بازداشت شده مان ایمان داشتیم و داریم، و مطمئن بودیم شما هم از سابقۀ غیر سیاسی این دانشجویان باخبرید، برای جلوگیری از هرگونه سوء استفادۀ سیاسی، حتی اجازۀ خبری شدن رنجی که بر دوستانمان رفته است را هم ندادیم. می خواستیم با مذاکره با مسئولین دانشکده و دانشگاه گره از کار عزیزانمان بگشاییم. گمان می کردیم لذت رابطۀ استاد و شاگرد و نجات سرنوشت پنج نفر بی گناه برای مسئولین دانشگاه بسیار بیشتر از مقامی ست که حتی در دنیا هم موجب سرافکندگی شان خواهد شد، چه برسد به دیار باقی و حساب کرام الکاتبین!
جناب آقای رئیس؛
امروز که وارونه جلوه دادن حقیقت و روا داشتن ظلم به مردم بی گناه از تریبون های رسمی کشور فریاد می شود، دیگر امیدی به کمک حضرتعالی و زیردستان تان به یاران بی گناهمان نداریم و در این راه تنها از خداوند متعال استمداد داریم. تنها از روی وظیفه دینی نکاتی را خدمتتان ذکر می کنیم، باشد که کارگر افتد:
1- شایعات نگران کننده ای در ارتباط با جرم ساختگی دوستانمان شنیده ایم. شما خود بهتر می دانید که حکم این گناه در فضای کنونی چه خواهد بود. با تمام وجود از حضرت حق تعالی تقاضا داریم که مکر گردانندگان این بازی کودکانه را به خودشان بازگرداند و بیدادگاهی برای دوستان عزیزمان برگزار نشود. که اگر بشود، دنیا و آخرت شما و سایر کسانی که توانایی فراهم کردن موجبات اثبات بی گناهی و آزادی برادرانمان را داشتند و دارند، سیاه خواهد شد.
2- از آنجا که شما را متأسفانه هم از اصلی ترین مقصرین فجایع 16 و 17 آذر امسال و در ادامۀ آن پروژۀ مضحک متهم کردن طرفداران اصلی حضرت امام (ره) به هتک حرمت ایشان، و هم از افراد ذی نفوذ در سیستم اطلاعاتی کشور می دانیم، با اینکه درخواستمان به اندازۀ شکایت بردن از نتایج انتخابات پیش شورای نگهبان بی نتیجه خواهد بود، امّا لازم است یادآور شویم که این عزیزان که برای جعل سند آن توهم قضایی دستگیر شده اند، بیشترین فعالیت دانشجویی شان نواختن موسیقی در برنامۀ کانون موسیقی دانشکدۀ فنی نبوده و هیچ گاه جهت گیری سیاسی نداشتند! به هدایت همکاران سابقتان که امیدی نیست، ولی ای کاش به جای این معصوم ترین ها، دانشجویانی از فعالین سیاسی را نشانه رفته بودند که در بازجویی ها، به جای بیانات نفوسی که از همۀ بازی های کثیف سیاسی جناح حاکم بی خبرند، جوابی دندان شکن می شنیدند!
3- اگر اندکی در تاریخ بنگرید در خواهید یافت که وجدان بشری تنها نام بزرگانی را به یاد دارد که آرمان های خود را فدای مصلحت اندیشی و کوته نگری نکرده اند؛ نه کسانی که شیفتۀ قدرت بوده اند و جاه طلبی قصی القبشان کرده است. امروز هم که عرصۀ کشور هر روز دستخوش فاجعه ای جدید می شود، مورخان مشغول کارند... دیر یا زود روند کوچک شدن دایرۀ خودی ها جایگاه بزرگتر از شما را هم به خطر خواهد انداخت. پس اگر هنوز کور سوی اعتقادی به اصول دینی و اخلاقی در درونتان روشن است؛ نگرانی از شرمندگی در برابر وجدان عمومی پیشکش، پیش از این که به دست اربابان قدرت مطرود شوید، قدمی برای این عزیزان بی گناه بردارید. بگذارید وجدان عمومی آیندگان از شما به نیکی یاد کند. وگرنه چند سال بعد نام شما هم مانند هزاران نفری که چشم بر ظلم بر بی گناهان می بندند، به تاریک ترین نقاط تاریخ خواهد رفت.
4- در آخر باید بگوییم اگر تلاشتان برای شنیدن پیام ما دانشجویان، مانند سایر وعده های این 6 ماهتان توخالی و تبلیغاتی نیست، پیش از آن که دیر شده باشد، طی جلسه ای پای صحبت دانشجویان مظلوم دانشگاه بنشینید. اگر این درخواستمان برایتان خنده دار جلوه کرد، بدانید که فرسنگ ها از اصول اخلاقی و انسانی دور شده اید. چون آنچه خنده ای تلخ بر لبان آدمی می نشاند خواب زمستانی وجدان کسانی ست که حبّ جاه و مقام چشم هایشان را کور کرده است، نه فریاد تظلم خواهی دانشجویان برای دوستان بی گناهشان!
ترفند كثيف نظام براي بردن دانشجويان و كارمندان دولت به راهپيمايي هاي نمايشي
خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر: به دنبال اوج گيري اعتراضات مردمي وشركت گسترده مردم و جوانان در تظاهرات , نظام براي حفظ چهره ,اقدام به برپايي راهپيمايي نمايشي نموده است, يكي از ترفندهاي كثيف نظام براي كشاندن افراد به راهپيمايي تطميع مي باشد به عنوان نمونه در یکی از دانشگاههای خيابان امیر آباد ( دانشکده حقوق )براي تشويق دانشجويان به شركت در راهپيمايي نمايشي برای هر دانشجو كه در اين راهپيمايي شركت كند حساب مسکن کارت افتتاح ميكند و اين ترفند را در بین ادارات و دستگاههای دولتی هم بكارگرفته است به اين ترتيب كه برای تشویق آنها به حسابشان مبالغی واریز نموده است.
عکس از ارشیو
اختصاصی جرس / درگیری های پراکنده در بهشت زهرا
به گزارش خبرنگار جرس، این درگیری ها در قطعه 9 بهشت زهرا، جایی که شهید سید علی موسوی خواهر زاده میرحسین موسوی در آنجا دفن شده است آغاز شده است.
گفتنی است از چند ساعت پیش گروههای بزرگی از مردم تهران بر مزار این شهید حاضر شده بودند.
اژه ای از اعدام 3 نفر از دستگیرشدگان عاشورا خبر داد
به گزارش روزنامه اعتماد، دادستان کل کشور گفته است که دستگاه قضایی مصمم است حداقل سه تن از بازداشتشدگان روز عاشورا را که «محارب» شناخته شدهاند محاکمه و حکم اعدام آنها را به اجرا درآورد.
درگیری در چند نقطه مرکزی تهران
عکس از ارشیو
هویت یکی دیگر از شهدای عاشورای تهران مشخص شد
هویت یکی دیگر از شهدای عاشورای تهران مشخص شد
شهید شاهرخ رحمانی توسط خودروی نیروی انتظامی زیر گرفته شد
شبکه جنبش راه سبز (جرس): هویت یکی از شهدای عاشورای تهران مشخص شد.
به گزارش خبرنگار جرس، شهید شاهرخ رحمانی در روز عاشورا ودر چهار راه ولی عصر توسط خودروی نیروی انتظامی زیر گرفته شد و به شهادت رسید.
پیکر این شهید روز گذشته همزمان با پیکر شهید سیدعلی موسوی در بهشت زهرا به خاک سپرده شد.
پیگیری های خبرنگار جرس حکایت از آن دارد که خاواده شهید رحمانی توسط نیروهای امنیتی به شدت تهدید شده اند به گونه ای که در هراس از این نیروها حاضر به هیچ گونه مصاحبه ای نیستند.
نیروهای امنیتی به شرطی پیکر این شهید را تحویل خانواده اش دادند که هیچ گونه مصاحبه ای انجام ندهند و علت درگذشت او را تنها تصادف عنوان کنند.
Emergency in Mashad Universities: Injured Students of Mashad’s Universities Disappear

Emergency in Mashad Universities: Injured Students of Mashad’s Universities Disappear
Jaras Exclusive: Today (Thursday), a day after the bloody attack on Mashad’s Azad University which led to the injury of a dozen students and possible martyrdom of two students, the Special Unit forces, security forces, and thugs known as “Ansar” laid university to a siege, and there is the possibility of them attacking at any moment.
Jaras reports that a number of those arrested yesterday were released, but there is no update on the condition of other arrested students and especially injured students that were brutally taken away in government vehicles.
Last night in protest of the bloody attack on Mashhad’s Azad University, students of Ferdowsi University of Mashad staged spontaneous, limited gatherings. Students of Ferdowsi University have circulated calls for vast protests today and tomorrow at the university. The conditions around Ferdowsi University and its surrounding streets are reportedly under heavy presence of security.
The vast presence of oppressive uniformed and security forces around Ferdowsi and Azad Universities of Mashad is apparent.
Students of Azad University of Mashad are gathering to stage a protest against what took place yesterday.
Some of the student activists of Azad University who have not been arrested yet, together with a number of professors, are trying to find out about the conditions of arrested and injured students in the bloody events of yesterday.
Lack of updates on the conditions of the students of this university that were knifed and injured by security and Ansar forces increases the possibility of two student girls having been martyred. These two were injured around the neck area and were taken away to an unidentified place by plainclothes forces while drenched in blood and unconscious.
Security and Judicial Officials of Mashad were silent on this matter, and by supporting those who assaulted, they have seriously angered the students.
- Arash Azizi, Persian2English
Three Students of Mashhad’s Azad University Martyred

Three Students of Mashhad’s Azad University Martyred
Iran News Agency – December 31, 2009
Iran News Agency’s correspondent: Based on received news, yesterday, three students at Mashhad’s Azad University were martyred by plainclothes forces. Two boys were killed by a knife and a girl was thrown off the third floor of the dormitory.
- Arash Azizi, Persian2English
A Report on the Oppressive Forces’ Fear and Terror

A Report on the Oppressive Forces’ Fear and Terror
Today was another day when the government forces who were present from Azadi to Imam Hossein feared the people who were only walking in the streets in silence.
At 2:30 PM (Tehran Time), we started to walk from Azadi (Square). At each intersection, particularly the main ones like Shadman, Khosh, Roudaki, they had placed anti-riot police armed with batons. The parking of Greater Tehran police station on Azadi Stret was full of vans and armed vehicles. As we approached Enqelab, the number of security and plainclothes forces grew larger.
Around Enqelab Square was also full of anti-riot and plainclothes forces who were controlling the traffic of people. Anti-riot forces were standing in two lines, one facing the street, the other facing the pedestrians who were on the sidewalks. Both sides of the street were filled with people who had come to protest in silence.
Unlike previous days, where the police would controlled the pedestrian overpass, there were three or four plainclothes agents stationed there in order to arrest anyone who would take pictures or films of the security forces. However, people were aware of their presence and were advising one another against any indiscretion.
There were also a few women who were searching women’s handbags. A lady, angered by the invasion of privacy, walked toward them screaming “Who are you, and how dare you search my bag?” The two female agents, visibly terrified, were asking her to quiet down but she continued to yell in order to inform people.
We went toward Valiasr where the entire area surrounding Shahr Theater was filled with anti-riot police sitting on their motorcycles, and plainclothes individuals who were controlling the crowd. The number of forces in this area exceeded around 400. More than 20 Special Unit vehicles, four buses, five mini-buses, and eight mini-vans which had brought the forces to the area were parked around Daneshjoo Park. The forces were so terrified that they would stop the taxi cabs and force people in them. Nevertheless, people had no intention of leaving and the streets were still very crowded.
The anti-riot police and plainclothes agents were navigating and maneuvering in the street on motorcycles or by cars. They had clogged all the side streets usually used by demonstrators as a refuge when attacked by government forces. People passing by were saying that such shows of force by the government is a sign of how much Ashoura’s protests had terrified and threatened the government.
- Siavosh, Persian2English
A Report on the Oppressive Forces’ Fear

A Report on the Oppressive Forces’ Fear and Terror
Today was another day when the government forces who were present from Azadi to Imam Hossein feared the people who were only walking in the streets in silence.
At 2:30 PM (Tehran Time), we started to walk from Azadi (Square). At each intersection, particularly the main ones like Shadman, Khosh, Roudaki, they had placed anti-riot police armed with batons. The parking of Greater Tehran police station on Azadi Stret was full of vans and armed vehicles. As we approached Enqelab, the number of security and plainclothes forces grew larger.
Around Enqelab Square was also full of anti-riot and plainclothes forces who were controlling the traffic of people. Anti-riot forces were standing in two lines, one facing the street, the other facing the pedestrians who were on the sidewalks. Both sides of the street were filled with people who had come to protest in silence.
Unlike previous days, where the police would controlled the pedestrian overpass, there were three or four plainclothes agents stationed there in order to arrest anyone who would take pictures or films of the security forces. However, people were aware of their presence and were advising one another against any indiscretion.
There were also a few women who were searching women’s handbags. A lady, angered by the invasion of privacy, walked toward them screaming “Who are you, and how dare you search my bag?” The two female agents, visibly terrified, were asking her to quiet down but she continued to yell in order to inform people.
We went toward Valiasr where the entire area surrounding Shahr Theater was filled with anti-riot police sitting on their motorcycles, and plainclothes individuals who were controlling the crowd. The number of forces in this area exceeded around 400. More than 20 Special Unit vehicles, four buses, five mini-buses, and eight mini-vans which had brought the forces to the area were parked around Daneshjoo Park. The forces were so terrified that they would stop the taxi cabs and force people in them. Nevertheless, people had no intention of leaving and the streets were still very crowded.
The anti-riot police and plainclothes agents were navigating and maneuvering in the street on motorcycles or by cars. They had clogged all the side streets usually used by demonstrators as a refuge when attacked by government forces. People passing by were saying that such shows of force by the government is a sign of how much Ashoura’s protests had terrified and threatened the government.
- Siavosh, Persian2English
Human Rights and Democracy Activist of Iran (December 31, 2009)
URGENT: Possible Attacks in the Dormitories
Message from Students at Polytecnic پیام دانشجویان دانشگاه پولی تکنیک

Message from Students at Polytecnic:
At least 10 of our classmates have been arrested right now and most likely are under severe pressure. Due to this reason, the end-of-term examinations should not take place. We will not write our exams until our classmates have been freed. Saturday, 8:00am at the university’s yard.
پیام دانشجویان دانشگاه پولی تکنیک
دانشجويان پلي تكنيك : حداقل 10 نفر از همکلاسی ها مون الان در بازداشت هستن و به احتمال زیاد در شرایط سخت و تحت فشار شدید.امتحانات پایان ترم تا موقعی که همه دوستان مون آزاد نشدن نباید برگزار بشهدر اعتراض به کشتار مردم در روز عاشورا و در حمایت از همکلاسیهای در بندمان در امتحانات پایان ترم حاضر نمی شويم|. تا آزادي آزادی همکلاسی هایمان در امتحانات حاضر نمی شویم/شنبه،8 صبح، صحن دانشگاه
Regime’s Dirty Tricks to Lure Students and Workers to their Demonstration

Iran News Agency: In the wake of the rise in anti-government protests, and high participation by youth in the demonstrations, the regime has resorted to pseudo pro-government rallies to counter the opposition.
One of the dirty tricks used by the regime to lure people into the streets and into such demonstrations is seduction by financial incentives. For example, in the Law Faculty of the University of Tehran, to encourage participation by students, anybody taking part in these sham gatherings is awarded with a bank account in Maskan Bank. The same trick is employed in public (government run) companies and offices where employees receive a financial reward for showing up at pro-government rallies.
- Siavosh, Persian2English
Sporadic Clashes at Behesht Zahra

Jaras: Sporadic clashes started at Behesht Zahra (Tehran’s main cemetery) today.
According to a Jaras reporter, these clashes have started in Section 9 of the cemetery, where Ali Moussavi, Mir Hossein Mousavi’s cousin [who was shot and killed on Sunday] is buried. A large group of people had gathered at his grave since hours ago.
- Siavosh, Persian2English
Jaras: Sporadic clashes continue in Valiasr Square.

Jaras: Sporadic clashes continue in Valiasr Square.
According to a Jaras reporter, Special Guard forces have positioned themselves in Valiasr Square and are attacking protestors who have gathered in small groups.
Eye witnesses are reporting widespread arrests and some claim dozens of people have been arrested.
It is noteworthy that Special Guard and military forces have appeared in Tehran carrying arms. Special armed vehicles have been brought to Tehran from Karaj (Tehran’s suburb) this morning.
This is the first time since “bloody Saturday” (June 20th), the day after Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech [threatening protesters in Friday prayer’s sermon] that these armed vehicles are seen in Tehran.
- Siavosh, Persian2English
Report on Recent Student Arrests

- Maryam, Persian2English
One of the Martyrs of Ashoura in Tehran Identified

-Maryam, Persian2English
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Regime More Alone and Weaker than Ever: the government's show in Isfahan ended in defeat

Regime More Alone and Weaker than Ever: the government's show in Isfahan ended in defeat
Iran News Agency - December 30, 2009: The reports received indicate that the government's never ending efforts to bring the people to the streets in support of Khamenei and the entire regime have failed. The heads of government who took a hard blow on the day of Ashoura tried in the past two days to strengthen the government's shaking pillars through the use of propaganda in the media and various tricks such as provoking the people's religious emotions by claiming that the protesters insulted Ashura, Islam, and the Qur'an. The people of Iran did not fall prey to this old trick. The people's lack of attention to media propaganda resulted in the presence of only a few hundred of Basij and government mercenaries in Enqelab square of Isfahan.
This ordered gathering and the government's ridiculous show in Isfahan, which was directly shown by the government media, was so fruitless that even the government websites could not cover it up. People's lack of support for the government shows in Isfahan happened while the News Channel or Channel 6 was continuously covering the event from early morning. But even this desperate effort failed to gather people in Isfahan. The reports received from other cities indicate that the condition of the government supporters are critical and only a few are willing to participate in the demonstration in support of the regime. Perhaps the best description of this scene will be when the hand-chosen representatives of the Leader themselves have to go to the streets to save their seats by participating in the demonstrations. In any case, the dictatorial regime is in hard times, and the people's indifference and the public opposition to these dictators have caused these dictators to find themselves more alone than ever.
- Bahaar, Persian2English
بیست دانشجوی دانشگاه علم و صنعت در بازداشت؛ احضار ۵۰ دانشجو به کمیته انضباطی
به گزارش خبرنامه امیرکبیر، طی اتفاقات روز گذشته ۸ دی حدود ده دانشجو از درون دانشگاه بازداشت شده و به خارج دانشگاه منتقل گشتند.
امروز ۹ دی نیز ماموران حراست ۳ دانشجو را از کتابخانه عمومی دانشگاه خارج و به مکانی نامعلومی منتقل کردند.
با احتساب دانشجویان بازداشت شده دانشگاه علم و صنعت در روز عاشورا، تاکنون حدود ۲۰ دانشجوی دانشگاه علم و صنعت طی ۳ روز اخیر بازداشت شدهاند.
بازداشت دانشجویان در دانشگاه توسط لباس شخصیها ابداع جدید نیروهای سرکوبگر جهت فشار به دانشگاهها است.
با توجه به ممنوعیت ورود نیروهای انتظامی به دانشگاه بعد از وقایع کوی دانشگاه، لباس شخصیها در لوای دانشجویان بسیجی به دانشگاهها انتقال یافته، دانشجویان را ابتدا با اشکآور و چماق مصدوم کرده، سپس به خارج دانشگاه منتقل میکنند.
سناریو سازی وزارت اطلاعات برای حوادت روز عاشورا
به گزارش واحد زندانیان مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ایران، ماموران وزارت اطلاعات مستقر در زندان اوین دو تن از زندانیان سیاسی به نامهای محمد علی کاظمی و جعفر آقایی محبوس در بند 350 را به سلولهای انفرادی 209 منتقل کردند و از آنها خواستند تا اقرار کنند که در تجمعات اعتراضی روز عاشورا نقش داشته اند و در صورت عدم قبول چنین خواسته ای آنها را به اعدام محکوم خواهند کرد که دو زندانی مذکور اتهامات را نپذیرفته و پس از مدتی به بند عمومی منتقل شدند.
لازم به ذکر است صبح امروز وزیر اطلاعات نیز در مصاحبه ای با خبرنگاران، معترضین را ضد انقلاب و از اعضای گروه های مارکسیستی و مجاهدین خلق معرفی کرد و در خصوص قتل خواهر زاده مهندس موسوی که در روز حادثه (عاشورا) ترور شده بود عنوان داشت " دراینکه منافقین در این غائله دست داشته اند ، شکی نداریم"
اقدامات وزارت اطلاعات در سناریو سازی برای متهمان سابقه دیرینه دارد و در آخرین اقدام مشابه از عناصر جدا شده از گروه های چون مجاهدین خلق و مرتبطین انجمن پادشاهی که پیش از انتخابات به کشور بازگشته اند با تهدید و تطمیع به عنوان عوامل اغتشاش پس از انتخابات نام برده و در دادگاه های غیر علنی آنها را به اعدام محکوم نمودند.
لازم به یادآوریست محمد رضا علی زمانی، احمد کریمی، حامد روحی نژاد، آرش رحمان پور، ناصر عبدالحسینی از جمله قربانیان اخیر سناریو سازی وزارت اطلاعات ایران می باشند که به اشد مجازات ( اعدام) محکوم شدند.
کمیسیونر عالی حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد از دولت ایران خواست که نیروهای امنیتی را کنترل کند
خانم پی لی گفت :”من از این شدت ناگهانی و بی سابقه کشته و زخمی ها، و بازداشت ها شوکه شده ام.” خانم پی لی اضافه کرد که در حالیکه هنوز وضعیت دقیقی که منجر به کشته شدن حداقل ۷ نفر و زخمی شدن تعداد بسیار زیادی در جریان مراسم مذهبی عاشورا در روز یکشنبه و بعد از آن شده است، نامشخص است “اطلاعات دردسترس بار دیگر نشان می دهد که اقدامات بی اندازه خشونت بار توسط نیروهای امنیتی و شبه نظامی بسیج صورت گرفته است.”
خانم پی لی گفت :”دولت وظیفه دارد که تضمین کند که خشونت شدت نخواهد گرفت.”
کمیسیونر عالی حقوق بشر همچنین نگرانی خود را از ادامه بازداشت فعالان سیاسی، روزنامه نگارن و مدافعان حقوق بشر و سایر کنشگران جامعه مدنی ابراز کرد.
خانم پی لی گفت :”مردم حق دارند که احسسات خود را ابراز کنند و بطور مسالمت آمیز اعتراض کنند بدون اینکه مورد ضرب و شتم قرار بگیرند و به قصد کشتنشان با چماق بزنندشان و به زندان بیفتند.” خانم پی لی اضافه کرد “کسانی که به هر دلیلی بازداشت شده ند، بازداشت آنها باید مطابق با آئین دادرسی ای باشد که کاملا با معیارها و هنجارهای حقوق بشر بین المللی و از جمله میثاق بین المللی حقوق مدنی و سیاسی سازگار باشد.”
ایران عضو میثاق بین المللی حقوق مدنی و سیاسی است که در آن تاکید شده است که “هیچکس نباید بطور خودسرانه بازداشت شود (ماده ۹)، و هر کس حق آزادی بیان (ماده ۱۹) و آزادی تجمع مسالمت آمیز دارد (ماده ۲۱).
Official Google Blog: Ordinary citizens, extraordinary videos
At YouTube, we have been watching week after week as new videos have appeared on the site within hours of every single protest or similar event reported from Iran in the past six months. Thousands of uploads have brought the fear and tension of these protests to YouTube, inviting millions of views around the world. It is as if the revolts that are taking place could not do so outside the eye of the camera.
Unlike traditional news footage from foreign correspondents (currently prohibited in Iran), these videos are the voice of the people — unfiltered, unedited and with a single, sometimes disturbing point of view. No professional film could capture the one-to-one feeling of watching an ordinary citizen's images of unrest in his or her own country.
We are constantly amazed by the videos our community uploads, whether from their own backyards or the streets of a faraway land. Armed with only a camera and a means to reach the Internet, anyone can ask another to bear witness to their lives. Given the nature of the YouTube videos from Iran, we may want to turn away from some of the images we see, but we keep watching, knowing that we are seeing through the eyes of a people who have discovered the power of information — despite the often extreme measures their government is using to try to stop them.
We will continue to provide the platform for you to see what they see, hear their voices and learn about their struggles. And we encourage you to join the global conversation. Leave a comment, upload your own response video or share a moving moment with someone else.
Posted by Olivia Ma, YouTube News and Politics
Source : http://googleblog.blogspot
تلاش مذبوحانه حکومت برای جمع کردن سیاهی لشکر:ابلاغ دستور به تمام مدارس تهران برای شرکت دانش آموزان در تجمع عصر چهارشنبه
در این ابلاغیه امتحان پایان ترم دبیرستانی ها که قرار بود روز پنج شنبه برگزار شود لغو شده تا دانش آموزان با خیال راحت در تظاهرات روز چهارشنبه شرکت کنند.در این ابلاغیه حضور تمام کارکنان و دانش آموزان مدارس اجباری اعلام شده و به دانش آموزانی که در این مراسم شرکت نکنند هشدار داده شده است که با تنبيه مواجه می شوند.
آژانس ايران خبر
عکس از آرشیو
ترفند فريبكارانه براي گسيل سياه لشكر در دفاع از خامنه اي
عکس از آرشیو
حسین کروبی: کسانی از مردم فرار میکنند که ظلم و جنایت کردهاند - پدرم در تهران است و به جد پیگیر مسائل روز
حسین کروبی در گفتگو با خبرنگار پایگاه خبری فراکسیون خط امام(ره)مجلس«پارلماننیوز»،
وی افزود:«آقای کروبی مانند روزهای قبل در تهران هستند و به جد پیگیر مسائل روز و مطالبات مردم هستند.»
کروبی خاطر نشان کرد:«انتشار شایعاتی اینچنینی توسط کسانی صورت میگیرد که چون میدانند به این آرزوی خود دست نمییابند میخواهند با انتشار شایعات دروغی مانند آنچه امروز منتشر کردهاند برای دقایقی احساس کنند که به آرزوی خود رسیدهاند و احساس سرخوشی کنند.»
حمله وحشیانه نیروهای انصار حزب الله دانشگاه آزاد مشهد را به خاک و خون کشید
به گزارش خبرنامه امیرکبیر در پی برگزاری مراسم عزاداری سوم شهدای عاشورا توسط دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد مشهد، در حوالی ساعت 1 بعدظهر چندین اتوبوس حامل نیروهای انصار و بسیج وارد محوطه دانشگاه شده و بیش از 500 تن را پیاده کردند. این افراد مسلح به چاقو و قمه به سمت دانشجویان حمله کردند که در پی آن بیش از ۸ دانشجو به بیمارستان منتقل شدند.
بنابرگزارش ها یکی از اساتید دانشگاه آزاد مشهد نیز با ضربه چاقو نیروهای حامی ولایت مجروح شده و یکی از دانشجویان دختر نیز به دلیل ضربه چوب به شدت از ناحیه سر آسیب دیده است.
این افراد غیردانشجو بدون هیچ گونه ممانعتی و به شکلی سازماندهی شده وارد دانشگاه شده و دانشجویان را که در مقابل دانشکده معماری تجمع کرده بودند به صورت وحشیانه ای مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند.
دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد مشهد امروز به مناسبت سوم شهدای روز عاشورا تجمع سکوت برگزار کرده و سرکوب مردم را محکوم کردند.
گرچه دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد مشهد برنامه گرامیداشت شهدای روز عاشورا را «تجمع سکوت» اعلام کرده بوده و هیچ گونه شعاری سرندادند اما با حمله نیروهای انصار و بسیج با چوب، قمه و اسپری فلفل مواجه شدند.
به گفته شاهدان عینی همزمان نیروی انتظامی خیابان های منتهی به دانشگاه را مسدود و با گاز اشک آور مردم و دانشجویان را پراکنده کردند.
به گزارش خبرنامه امیرکبیر نیروهای انصار دانشجویان را به بیرون دانشگاه منتقل کرده و نیروهای امنیتی آنان را بازداشت می کردند.
از تعداد دقیق بازداشت شده گان اطلاع در دست نیست ولی بنابر گزارش ها بیش از 70 نفر از دانشجویان و مردم بازداشت و به کلانتری قاسم آباد منتقل شدند.
در پی این حمله وحشیانه نیروهای انصار با چاقو و زنجیر و قمه، کلاسهای درس این دانشگاه تعطیل شده است.
The Government’s Plan to Dispatch a Large Group to the Streets in Support of Khamenei: Schools Closing on Thursday

The Government’s Plan to Dispatch a Large Group to the Streets in Support of Khamenei: Schools Closing on Thursday
Iran News Agency – December 30, 2009: The government has cancelled the midterm examinations in Tehran’s schools in order to bring students to the streets. According to received reports as well as the statement of the Ministry of Education, it is planned that all the students of Tehran’s schools from all grades to be taken to the streets for a demonstration in support of Khamenei. In accordance with this, and in order to boost the students’ morale, Tehran’s Ministry of Education postponed the midterm examinations that were scheduled for Thursday. A gathering in support of the Supreme Leader is planned to start on Wednesday at 3:00 pm sharp. However, due to the lack of public support for this gathering, despite all the government’s efforts, the regime has been forced to use students and teachers to fill up the area around Enqelab square. Tehran’s Ministry of Education estimates that each school can bring at least 100 students and teachers to the streets. The main role here is played by the education departments of the districts that encompass Enqelab Square.
- Bahaar, Persian2English
Basij Moved to Enqelab Square to Show Formal Support for Khamenei

Basij Moved to Enqelab Square to Show Formal Support for Khamenei
Iran News Agency - December 30, 2009
Basij and government mercenaries are preparing Enqelab square for an ordered demonstration against the people who expressed their protest against the dictatorship on Tasooa and Ashoura. A large number of Basij members are putting up amplifiers and clothes bearing slogans for the ceremony on Wednesday. The plan is for the public buses throughout the city to be under complete control of the Basij, who will be transferred to Enqelab square from neighboring parts of the city such as Robat Karim, Shahrbar, Karaj, etc. The received reports indicate that the government is planning to bring Basijis from other cities to Tehran to partake in this show of support for Khamenei.
- Bahaar, Persian2English
Dr. Kianoosh Saeedi Arrested on the Day of Ashoura

Dr. Kianoosh Saeedi Arrested on the Day of Ashoura
Human Rights Reporters Committee: 60 year old Dr. Kianoosh Saeedi who holds a chemistry PhD was arrested on the day of Ashoura (Sunday, December 27) on one of Tehran’s streets.
His family says they witnessed his arrest, but their referral to judicial sources has been fruitless and nobody is claiming responsibility. Dr. Saeedi has only called home once to let them know about the arrest. His family still does not have any information on the place and status of his detention. His old age has led to some concerns on his status.
Some media outlets believe more than 1000 were arrested on Ashoura.
The irresponsibility of government sources in regard to those arrested on Ashoura has increased the possibility of arbitrary measures on them.
- Arash Azizi, Persian2English
Arrest of Niloofar Hashemi Azar, Architecture Student of Tehran University

Arrest of Niloofar Hashemi Azar, Architecture Student of Tehran University
Iran News Agency – December 30, 2009
Niloofar Hashemi Azar, architecture student of Tehran University, was arrested along with her mother.
Citizens, Thought and Expression Rights: Niloofar Hashemi Azar, architecture student of Tehran University was arrested along with her mother, Shahrzad Nasiri, on Ashoura (Sunday December 27) on Jamalzadeh Street.
Human Rights Reporters Committee reports Shahrzad Nasiri, mother of this jailed student, was released on conditions yesterday around 4:00 pm, but Niloofar Hashemi has been sent to Evin prison.
Fierce clashes between government forces and protesters on the day of Ashoura led to the killing of several people. Police has declared names of eight of those killed in Ashoura in a declaration. Also, several news agencies reported the arrests of hundreds of people and some have estimated the number or arrests to be in the thousands.
Commander Radan, deputy commander of police has claimed only 300 were arrested.
Herana News Agency
- Arash Azizi, Persian2English
Colt-armed goons attack the protest gathering of Azad University students in Mashad

Colt-armed goons attack the protest gathering of Azad University students in Mashad
Iran News Agency – December 30, 2009
Iran News Agency correspondent – Mashad: From 11:00am to 1:00pm today, December 30, students at Mashad’s Azad University organized a protest in the architecture faculty to protest the martyrdom of people on Ashoura and the subsequent arrests.
The main student’s slogans were against Khamenei. After the gathering, Basij goons swarmed the university with plainclothes and started going after students with water hoses, batons to disperse them. All the Basij mercenaries who entered the university were armed with colts.
- Arash Azizi, Persian2English
Deceptive Tactic to Gather Goons in the Defense of Khamenei

Deceptive Tactic to Gather Goons in the Defense of Khamenei
Iran News Agency correspondent: Following the huge protests of freedom-loving people of Tehran and other cities on December 27th, the regime has used threatening tactics on all civil servants, employees, government workers, and even drivers of Vahed Bus company and employees of similar organizations to force them to take part in the show demonstrations against the people’s uprising on Ashoura. They have been transferred to Tehran’s Mahdieh to put on these lousy shows.
- Arash Azizi, Persian2English
Regime’s Desperate Efforts to Gather a Crowd in its Support: Ordering Tehran’s Schools to Send Students to the Demonstration

Regime’s Desperate Efforts to Gather a Crowd in its Support: Ordering Tehran’s Schools to Send Students to the Demonstration
The government ordered schools to send their students and staff to the pro-government demonstration. The government also ordered schools to cancel all final exams on Thursday so that students can attend the demonstration on Wednesday. The government warns to punish those who defy this order.
- Bahaar, Persian2English
Students from the Faculty of Engineering in the University of Tehran Gather in Protest to the Repulsive Forced-Confession Projects of the Government

Students from the Faculty of Engineering in the University of Tehran Gather in Protest to the Repulsive Forced-Confession Projects of the Government
Iran News Agency: On December 29, a group of students from the engineering faculty of the University of Tehran gathered in front of the office of the president of the university. This gathering lasted from 10:30am to 11:30 am. In this gathering the students objected to the forced confessions taken from five chemical engineering students, and described it as preparing the grounds for more suppression. It should be mentioned that five students have been accused of tearing Khomeini’s picture, and the students have confessed to the action.
A student activist said that the free-spirited students all around the country will be proud of doing such a thing. But the five arrested students were not involved in such activities and the forced confessions are meant to suppress the students of this university.
- Bahaar, Persian2English
The families of those arrested gather in front of Evin Prison

The families of those arrested gather in front of Evin Prison
Iran News Agency: On the morning of December 30, 500 people and families of the arrested in the extensive Ashoura protests gathered in front of the door of Evin prison until 12:30 pm. Yesterday, there was another gathering in front of Evin prison. On the morning of December 29th, from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm, more than 100 family members of those arrested had a gathering in front of Evin prison. An eyewitness said that at 6:30 pm, two or three buses containing those arrested entered the prison.
- Bahaar, Persian2English