دانشجوياندانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان نيز تجمع داشتند كه پلاكارد مبني بر آزادي دانشجويانزنداني سياسي حمل ميكردند..اما در بيرون محوطه نيروهاي امنيتي زيادي هستند
Around 60 mercenaries of counter-insurgency guards are located in Enqleab Avenue in Isfahan near Si o Se Bridge, leading to Shiraz gate in Isfahan (which leads to industrial university of Isfahan). The oppressive forces waiting to beat people up and disperse them so they wont join the student protesters.
نزديكبه 60 مزدور از گارد ضد شورش نيز در ميدان انقلاب اصفهان نزديك سي و سه پلمنتهي به دروازه شيراز در اصفهان – كه به دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان ميخورد نيزمستقر هستند و ميخواهند مردم را بزور ضرب و شتم پراكنده كنند و نگذارند كه
Slogans that have so far been heard in Tehran, Sharif and Amir Kabir universities and also streets around these universities:
Counter-insurgency police/ Go Wash Ahmadinejad (this funny slogan rhymes in Farsi and it is reckoning of how “dirty” Ahmadinejad is that he has to be “washed”-Translator’s note).
Khamenei is a murderer/ his rule is void
Support of Torture / Disgrace on this leader (i.e. Khamenei – Translator’s note).
O, You Liar Basiji / Where is your Student ID?
Are not Gaza and Lebanon, enough? / They are also going after Yemen (a note of Islamic Republic’s aid to Shia militants in Yemen-Translator’s note).
The Slogan of our nation (is) / Religion separate from politics
Student is awake / s/he hates the dictator
Mousavi is only an excuse / the whole regime is in our target
Be scared, be scared / we are all in this together
Free Political Prisoners
Death to Khamenei
Counter-insurgency police/ Go Wash Ahmadinejad (this funny slogan rhymes in Farsi and it is reckoning of how “dirty” Ahmadinejad is that he has to be “washed”-Translator’s note).
Khamenei is a murderer/ his rule is void
Support of Torture / Disgrace on this leader (i.e. Khamenei – Translator’s note).
O, You Liar Basiji / Where is your Student ID?
Are not Gaza and Lebanon, enough? / They are also going after Yemen (a note of Islamic Republic’s aid to Shia militants in Yemen-Translator’s note).
The Slogan of our nation (is) / Religion separate from politics
Student is awake / s/he hates the dictator
Mousavi is only an excuse / the whole regime is in our target
Be scared, be scared / we are all in this together
Free Political Prisoners
Death to Khamenei
شعارهایی که تاکنون در دانشگاه های تهران، شریف و امیرکبیر و همچنین خیابان های اطراف این دانشگاه ها شنیده شده اند:
پلیس ضد شورش/ احمدی رو بشورش
خامنه ای قاتله/ ولاتیش باطله
شکنجه حمایت / ننگ بر این ولایت
بسيجی دروغگو/ كارت دانشجویی ات كو
غزه و لبنان کمن / رفتن سراغ یمن
شعار ملت ما/ دین از سیاست جدا
دانشجو بیدار است/ از دیکتاتور بیزار است
موسوی بهانه س/ کل نظام نشانه س
بترسید، بترسید/ ما همه با هم هستیم
زندانی سیاسی آزاد باید گردد
مرگ بر خامنه ای
Iran Khabar Agency: All the phonebooths around Tehran University have been covered with black garbage bags to prevent any communications.
A massive crowd has gathered in Enqelab Square chanting “Don’t be scared, don’t be scared / we are all in this together."
The protestors are also booing the authority forces.
A massive crowd has gathered in Enqelab Square chanting “Don’t be scared, don’t be scared / we are all in this together."
The protestors are also booing the authority forces.
آژانس ايران خبر : براي ممانعت از رسيدن اخبار تظاهرات و اعتراضات , کيوسکهای تلفن در اطراف دانشگاه تهران را با پلاستيکهای مشکی پوشانده اند و اجازه استفاده به مردم را نميدهند.
در ميدان انقلاب جمعيت خيلي زيادي از مردم تجمع كرده و شعار مي دهند و فرياد مي زنند: نترسيد نترسيد ماهمه باهم هستيم .
آنها همگي باهم نيروي انتظامي را هو ميكنند
Poonak students protest
Iran Khabar Agency, Tehran, 12:20:
500 of students in Azad University (Poonak Branch) have started their protest gathering with anti-government slogans. Campus security was filming them from upper floors. A number of students were barred from entering the university from the very morning.
خبرنگارآژانس ايران خبر , تهران ساعت 1220:
500 نفر از دانشجويان در دانشگاه آزاد مركز واحد پونك تجمع اعتراضي خود را با دادن شعار ضدحكومتي شروع كردند. حراستي ها ازبالاي طبقات فيلم برداري ميكردند.
ازصبح حراست مانع از ورود تعدادي ازدانشجويان به دانشگاه شده بود
Demonstrations in Ahvaz
3 pm: in the so-called “Chamran” university in Ahvaz which is located in Golestan, a large demonstration of nearly 1000 students is happening in Mechanics and Civil faculties of the university. These students are shouting: Death to Dictator – Free Jailed students – Free Political students – Victory is from Allah and it is near
3 pm: in the so-called “Chamran” university in Ahvaz which is located in Golestan, a large demonstration of nearly 1000 students is happening in Mechanics and Civil faculties of the university. These students are shouting: Death to Dictator – Free Jailed students – Free Political students – Victory is from Allah and it is near
ساعت1500 :- در دانشگاه موسوم به چمران در اهواز كه در گلستان واقع شده،دانشكده هاي مكانيك و عمران اين دانشگاه نزديك به هزار1000 نفر دانشجو درمحوطه دانشگاه تظاهرات بزرگي كردند.- اين دانشجويان شعارهايشان:- مرگ برديكتاتور- دانشجوي زنداني آزاد بايد گردد- دانشجوي سياسي آزاد بايد گردد-
Breaking news: clashes in Shiraz University
Iran Khabar agency correspondent:
Shiraz, 12:30:
In Shiraz University canteen, students are clashing with campus security and they are continuing their non-stop anti-government slogans.
Iran Khabar agency correspondent:
Shiraz, 12:30:
In Shiraz University canteen, students are clashing with campus security and they are continuing their non-stop anti-government slogans.
خبرنگارآژانس ايران خبر شيراز ساعت 1230:
در سلف سرويس دانشگاه شيراز , دانشجويان با حراست درگير شده اند وشعارهاي ضد حكومتي خود را بي وقفه ادامه ميدهند .
The reporter of Iran Khabar Agency reports at 12 pm: One hundred people, relatives of those who where arrested on Thursday in Laleh Park, gathered in front of Revolutionary Judiciary to protest and follow up on their beloved ones.
Also a group of protestors, estimated to be 80 people, gathered in front of Evin prison for the same cause.
Also a group of protestors, estimated to be 80 people, gathered in front of Evin prison for the same cause.
خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر , ساعت 1200:
امروز 100 نفر از بستگان دستگيرشدگان كه عده اي از آنها بستگان دستگيرشدگان پارك لاله هستند در مقابل دادستاني ضد انقلاب درخيابان معلم تجمع كرده وپيگير وضعيت عزيزان بازداشتي خود هستند . همچنين در مقابل اوين حدود 80 نفر از بستگان دانشجويان و ساير زندانيان سياسي تجمع كرده اند .
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