Iran Khabar agency correspondent: Tehran, 2:10 pm
After clashes, students of Tehran University reached Qods gate and sat behind the gate.
The students shout “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is void” and tried to close the door. Students throw 50000 Rials (5 dollar) notes to Basijis and police and shout at Basijis, “Basiji, you get money and became goons”….
خبرنگارآژانس ايران خبر , تهران ساعت 1410:
بعد از زد و خورد و درگيريها , دانشجويان دانشگاه تهران خودشان ر ا به درب قدس رساندند و پشت درب نشستند .
دانشجويان شعار ميدهند خامنه اي قاتله ولايتش باطله و تلاش ميكنند تا درب را بشكنند. دانشجويان با پرت كردن اسكناسهاي 5 هزار توماني به سمت بسيجي و انتظامي رو به بسيجيها شعار ميدهند بسيجي پول گرفتي مزدور شدي, بسيجي پول گرفتي مزدور شدي و
People fill the streets in Central Tehran
There is a large population in Jeyhoon Street in direction of Azadi. People are marching toward Enqelab and the University. The area in front of university is closed and nobody is allowed to get there but people are going toward the university. Slogans are very loud and they will go all the way to Pastor Avenue and the house of Supreme leader.
There is a large population in Jeyhoon Street in direction of Azadi. People are marching toward Enqelab and the University. The area in front of university is closed and nobody is allowed to get there but people are going toward the university. Slogans are very loud and they will go all the way to Pastor Avenue and the house of Supreme leader.
درخيابانجيحون به سمت آزادي جمعيت زيادي حضور دارند كه به سمت انقلاب و دانشگاه درحركت هستند.2. جلوي دانشگاه را بسته اند و نمي گذارند كسي وارد شود وليمردم به سمت دانشگاه درحركت هستند , صداي شعارها خيلي بلند است كه تاخيابان پاستور بيت ولي فقيه هم خواهد رفت
Iran Khabar Agency – 7th of December 2009
The Revolutionary Guards had declared that they will give flowers to students on 7th of December. Students mocked this and didn’t give much to this dirty tactic. A student of Sharif University has written in a letter: “Tehran is like the judgment day right now. Bastards, we now know what you mean by “Flowers”: your batons on our head! Shameless people! You had said that you’ll give flowers to students. I still feel its pain. How heinous can you be…”
He continues: “don’t leave the students alone. Our kids are getting beaten up. I ask you to join us for the love of god of Iran”.
The Revolutionary Guards had declared that they will give flowers to students on 7th of December. Students mocked this and didn’t give much to this dirty tactic. A student of Sharif University has written in a letter: “Tehran is like the judgment day right now. Bastards, we now know what you mean by “Flowers”: your batons on our head! Shameless people! You had said that you’ll give flowers to students. I still feel its pain. How heinous can you be…”
He continues: “don’t leave the students alone. Our kids are getting beaten up. I ask you to join us for the love of god of Iran”.
ژانس ايران خبر - ۱۳۸۸/۹/۱۶
بدنبال دجالگري سپاه مبني بر اعلام اينكه روز 16 آذر سپاه به دانشجويان گل هديه ميدهد , دانشجويان اين گفته را به سخره گرفته و اين ترفند كثيف را به هيچ گرفتند , يكي ازدانشجويان دانشگاه شريف درنامه اي نوشته :تهران قيامت است, حراميان معناي گلتان را فهميديم . باتوم است که بر فرقمان وارد ميشود,بي شرمان ، گفته بوديد به دانشجويان گل ميدهيد . جايش هنوز درد ميکند . چه وقاحتي داريد شما ....
وي درادامه نوشته : دانشجويان را تنها نگذاريد . بچه هايمان دارند کتک ميخورند . شما را به خداي ايران قسم ميدهم بپيونديد
The Brave people of Tehran are resisting together with students of Tehran University
Iran Khabar agency: brave and freedom-loving people of Tehran today, 7th of December, went to help and support freedom-loving students and are gathering with all their might in front of Tehran University. Despite the fact that oppressive forces of police and Basij goons are beating people up, people still resist and stand. One of the students who was so touched by this unity said: “People did a marvelous job in front of Tehran University. They are beating everybody up here but people resist.”
Iran Khabar agency: brave and freedom-loving people of Tehran today, 7th of December, went to help and support freedom-loving students and are gathering with all their might in front of Tehran University. Despite the fact that oppressive forces of police and Basij goons are beating people up, people still resist and stand. One of the students who was so touched by this unity said: “People did a marvelous job in front of Tehran University. They are beating everybody up here but people resist.”
آژانس ايران خبر : مردم دلير وآزاده تهران امروز 16 آذر به ياري و همراهي دانشجويان آزاده رفته و با عزم جزم درمقابل دانشگاه تهران تجمع كرده اند , به رغم ضرب و شتم مردم از سوي ماموران سركوبگر انتظامي و مزدوران بسيجي اما مردم همچنان مقاومت ميكنند و ايستاده اند , يكي از دانشجويان كه به شدت از اين اتحاد برانگيخته بود گفت : درجلوي دانشگاه تهران واقعا مردم گل كاشتن ,اينجا همه را دارن مي زنند ولي مردم مقاومت مي كنند.
آژانس ايران خبر
Azad University students in Maragheh disrupted the sham of speaking Mullah and shouted slogans against Khamenei
Iran Khabar Agency correspondent:
Azad University (Maragheh Branch) – 1:45 pm:
In a protest gathering in Azad University of Maragheh, students shouted anti-government slogans. University Basij had brought a mullah to speak for people. The mullah started talking about Khamenei and students didn’t let his speech to happen and shouted slogans against Khamenei.
Iran Khabar Agency correspondent:
Azad University (Maragheh Branch) – 1:45 pm:
In a protest gathering in Azad University of Maragheh, students shouted anti-government slogans. University Basij had brought a mullah to speak for people. The mullah started talking about Khamenei and students didn’t let his speech to happen and shouted slogans against Khamenei.
خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر -دانشگاه آزاد مراغه ساعت 1345:
در تجمع اعتراضي در دانشگاه آزاد مراغه دانشجويان شعار ضدحكومتي سر دادند. بسيج دانشگاه يك آخوند را براي سخنراني آورده بود اين آخوند درابتدا شروع كرد به نظر پرسي از خامنه اي كه دانشجويان نگذاشتند سخنراني او انجام شود و عليه خامنه اي شعار دادند .
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