Iran Khabar Agency:
Tehran, 2 pm:
In North Amirabad Street, Enqelab square, Enqelab Avenue (Tehran University area), 16 Azar Street, Palestine Street, Kakh Street and Valiasr crossroads people are in quick clashes and “hit-and-run” demonstrations against the police forces. Slogans:
- The leader acts like a god, the nation has to be poor
- O, you freedom-loving leader! Khomeini is awaiting you
- Death to Khamenei
- Janati Janati, Damn him, Damn him (rhymes in Farsi-Translator’s note)
- Mahmood, the Traitor (a song against Ahmadinejad)
- Death to Dictator
آژانس ايران خبر , تهران ساعت : 1400
در خيابان هاي امير اباد شمالي , ميدان انقلاب , خيابان انقلاب در محدوده دانشگاه تهران , خيابان شانزده آذر , خيابان فلسطين , خيابان كاخ و چهار راه وليعصر مردم درحال درگيري هاي برق آسا و تظاهرات بزن دررو با مامورين هستند . شعارهايشان:
- رهبرخدايي مي كند ملت گدايي مي كند .
- اي رهبرآزاده ! خميني چشم به راه ته
-- مرگ برخامنه اي
- جنتي جنتي لعنتي لعنتي
-سروده محمود خائن آواره كردي
-- مرگ بر ديكتاتور
Students of Tehran University hanged Khamenei’s picture from a tree, gathered around it and shouted: “Monkey, come down”.
Students of Tehran University in an innovative action showed the general rage and hatred of people and students against Khamenei by hanging his picture from a tree, gathering around it and shouting: “Monkey, come down”.
Students of Tehran University in an innovative action showed the general rage and hatred of people and students against Khamenei by hanging his picture from a tree, gathering around it and shouting: “Monkey, come down”.
دانشجويان دانشگاه تهران عكس خامنه اي را از درخت آويزان كرده و دور آن تجمع كرده و شعارمي دادند ميمون بياپايين
دانشجويان دانشگاه تهران دراقدامي مبتكرانه خشم و نفرت وانزجار عمومي مردم و دانشجويان از خامنه اي را به نمايش گذاشته و عكس خامنه اي را از درخت آويزان كرده و دور آن تجمع كرده و شعارمي دادند ميمون بياپايين...
Police are “fed-up” too
Most of those who beat people up are black-clothes of special guards and Basijis. The Police don’t beat people that much. A policeman said: “We are fed up”. They have been doing it from morning until now. Police rather do a job of cautioning and dispersing.
Most of those who beat people up are black-clothes of special guards and Basijis. The Police don’t beat people that much. A policeman said: “We are fed up”. They have been doing it from morning until now. Police rather do a job of cautioning and dispersing.
بيشتركساني كه كتك مي زنند سياهپوش هاي گارد ويژه و بسيجي ها هستند. نيرويانتظامي ها كمتر مي زنند, يك پليس مي گفت ديگر خسته شديم. ازصبح تا الاندرگير بوده اند. انتظامي ها بيشتر تذكر مي دهند و پراكنده مي كنند
Death to Tyrant, whether Shah or Leader
As you see here students of Sharif University entered the Avicenna hall and shouted “Death to Tyrant, whether Shah or leader”. And that’s how the few Basijis came out and clashed with students. Among student’s slogans here:
- Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is void
- Death to Basijis
- Allah is Great
- O Hossein, Mir Hossein
- Basiji, Get lost
- Liar, Liar where is your 63 percent of vote? (Meaning Ahmadinejad and his fake “vote” of 63 percent- Translator’s note).
- These are conscious students!
As you see here students of Sharif University entered the Avicenna hall and shouted “Death to Tyrant, whether Shah or leader”. And that’s how the few Basijis came out and clashed with students. Among student’s slogans here:
- Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is void
- Death to Basijis
- Allah is Great
- O Hossein, Mir Hossein
- Basiji, Get lost
- Liar, Liar where is your 63 percent of vote? (Meaning Ahmadinejad and his fake “vote” of 63 percent- Translator’s note).
- These are conscious students!
In Somayeh street, arrested students are transferred with buses and there are a lot of officials in Valiasr avenue. Slogan is "Our leader is a disgrace for us". Demonstrations goes on in streets around Enqelab.
درخيابانسميه دانشجويان دستگير شده را با اتوبوس منتقل ميكنند وتعداد ماموران دروليعصر زياد است شعار ننگ ما ننگ ما رهبر الدنگ ما را ميدهند, تظاهرات بهكوچه پس كوچه هاي انقلاب كشيده شد
“Flags without symbol” in Tehran
Plainclothes forces beat the students up around the university mosque. Several students were arrested. Tehran is in a martial law situation. Students have a three-colored flag without any symbol. Goons attack students with broken glasses and beat up students of technical faculty badly.
Plainclothes forces beat the students up around the university mosque. Several students were arrested. Tehran is in a martial law situation. Students have a three-colored flag without any symbol. Goons attack students with broken glasses and beat up students of technical faculty badly.
لباسشخصي ها دراطراف مسجد دانشگاه ، دانشجويان را مورد ضرب وشتم قرار ميدهندچندين دانشجو دستگير شدند تهران حالت حكومت نظامي پيدا كرده است دانشجويانپرچم سه رنگ دست گرفتند وسط آن چيزي نيست, مزدوران دانشجويان را با شيشههاي شكسته مورد تهاجم قرار ميدهند ومقابل دانشكده فني به شدت دارنددانشجويان را ميزنند
These are still 1 percent…
One of the friends who saw the news we posted on Facebook has written: “If you want to know the reality of today’s uprising, multiply by 100 all the news that you saw on all news services today. That’s how you can know the reality of today’s uprising of people in Iran."
يكيازدوستان كه خبر ها را برروي فيس بوك ديده بود براي ما نوشته است : اگر كهميخواهيد واقعيت قيام امروز را خوب بتوانيد تصور كنيد همه خبرهايي ر ا كهتا كنون روي خبرگزاريها گذاشته شده است راضربدر 100 كنيد تا واقعيت قياممردم ايران را امروز بدانيد
These are still 1 percent…
One of the friends who saw the news we posted on Facebook has written: “If you want to know the reality of today’s uprising, multiply by 100 all the news that you saw on all news services today. That’s how you can know the reality of today’s uprising of people in Iran."
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