Sunday, December 27, 2009

Latest News from Iran- Until 5:00pm, December 27, 2009

Using Tear Gas on people in Qazvin on Ashoura

Iran News Agency, Qazvin, 5:30 PM, Ashura: Today, the people of Qazvin witnessed the relentless cruelty of government mercenaries. In the gathering that was held in Shohada Street in Qazvin, the youth start chanting, "Death to Dictator." The anti-riot police attacked the mourners and
attempted to disperse them by beating them. One of the famous eulogists of the city named M.Gh., started protesting to the police action on the microphone. After seeing this, the police commander ordered the use of tear gas among people. A plainclothes commander was captured by the people.


Mourning Day of Ashoura: A day of clashes between people and government forces in Shiraz

Iran News Agency – December 27, 2009

Iran News Agency correspondent, Shiraz, 4 pm:

From 11:00 am onwards on the mourning day of Ashoora, a lot of people came to Namazi crossroads. A few red flags that read: “No Humiliation” (a traditional Ashoura flag) were spotted.

Around 300 people stood in the area from Shahcheraq to Namazi Square in groups of 20 and they carried photos of the martyrs. They were met with fierce responses from plainclothes forces.

Clashes increased and people started confronting by chanting slogans like “No Humiliation” and “Imam Mahdi, come and uproot the oppression.” A lot of people were arrested by plainclothes forces and a number of youth also went to Qaba Mosque. Police followed them. A few were then arrested.

Tonight people are supposed to go to Shahcheraq for the night festival of Shaame Ghariban to gather.

Based on the same news, there were events in Shiraz today:
- Zand Street
- Maaliabad
- Molasadra

In Shahchraq people were beat up by Basijis.

در عاشورا شيراز صحنه درگيري بين مردم ونيروهاي حكومتي بود

آژانس ايران خبر - ۱۳۸۸/۱۰/۶

خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر , شيراز , ساعت 1600 , عاشورا:
از ساعت 11صبح روز عاشورا تعداد زيادي از مردم به سه راه نمازي آمده بودند و چندين پرچم سرخ با شعار هيهات منه الذله به چشم ميخورد. حدود 300 نفر از مردم در دسته هاي 20 نفري از شاهچراغ تا ميدان سه راه نمازي ايستاده بودند و عكس هايي از شهداي قيام در دستشان بود كه با برخورد شديد نيرو هاي لباس شخصي رو برو گرديدند .درگيري بسيار شديد شد مردم با شعار ”هيهات من الذله” و يا ”حجه ابن الحسن ريشه ظلم رو بكن” به مقابله پرداختند .عده زيادي از لباس شخصي ها شماري از مردم را دستگير نمودند و تعدادي از جوانان هم به مسجد قبا رفتند و نيروي انتظامي كه در تعقيب آنها بود تعدادي از آنها را دستگير نمود.
قرار است امشب براي شام غريبان مردم به شاه چراغ رفته و در آنجا متحصن شوند.
بر اساس همين خبر امروز مكان هاي زير در شيراز برنامه بوده است :
-خيابان زند
-معالي آباد
-ملا صدرا
در شاهچراغ نيز مردم بسيجيان را كتك مي زدند


Police vehicle ran over a young woman who was chanting "Death to Khamenei"

Iran News Agency, Tehran, 10:30 PM, Ashura: Today in Vali Asr Avenue, a young woman who was chanting slogans against Khamenei was savagely run over by a police force vehicle. The police forces then took the young injured woman away. The people who
witnessed this horrible scene wanted to help her, however, the police forces immediately started using tear gases. There is no news of her whereabouts or condition.

:خبرنگار آژانس ايران خبر ,تهران, ساعت 2230 , عاشورا
امروز در خيابان وليعصر, دختر جواني را كه برعليه خامنه اي شعارميداد انتظامي ها در كمال قساوت زير خودرو گرفتند و باآن وضعيت مجروح وي را با خودشان بردند. مردمي كه شاهد اين صحنه فجيع بودند فصد كمك داشتند كه بلافاصله گاز اشك آورزدند . و دختر مجروح را با خود بردند . ازسرنوشت اين دختر اطلاعي دردست نيست


Four people killed in Tabriz demonstrations

Iran News Agency – December 27, 2009

Reuters quoted an opposition website reporting there were at least four people killed in Sunday’s clashes in Tabriz.

Based on the report, some were injured in the clashes between security forces and protesters. The internet network of Green Way Movement (Jaras) previously reported four killings caused by gunshot wounds (by security forces).

چهارنفر درجريان تظاهرا ت در تبريز كشته شدند

آژانس ايران خبر - ۱۳۸۸/۱۰/۶

خبرگزاري رويتر بهنقل يك سايت مخالف دولت گزارش داد كه درجريان درگيريهاي روز يكشنبه در تبريز دست كم 4 نفر كشته شدند
برپايهي اين گزارش دربرخورد نيروهاي امنيتي با معترضان درشهر تبريز عدهاي نيز مجروح شدند شبكه اينترنتي جنبش راه سبز جرس پيشترگزارش داده بود كه در تهران نيز 4 نفر به ضرب گلوله نيروهاي امنيتي از پاي درآمدند


Extensive strike in all universities in objection to the killing of people on Ashura

The students have announced that the will go on an extensive strike in all universities in protest to the martyrdom of the mourning people by Khamenei's mercenaries in the bloody Ashoura.

دانشجويان اعلام كرده اند كه قراراست دراعتراض به شهادت مردم عزادار درعاشوراي خونين كه بوسيله مزدوران خامنه اي به خاك وخون كشيده شده است . اعتصاب سراسري ونامحدود درتمامي دانشگاه ها داشته باشند

1 comment:

  1. If you want Peace, prepare for War.

    The Goverment you are fighting have fought like you have. They will not let these riots last for much longer.

    If you want to win, you need guns, if you do not win, then all the lives lost will have been for nothing. They will not have a proper after life in Paradise knowing nothing has changed.
